haha, Hui Xun was friday. Thursday i went back to start printing Man Da and made a new friend Chun Hui (: Then the printer went out of ink so i went back.
Zz, friday the real thing. Almost the whole of Qun Ying was down there i think? Haha it was damn fun. Chun hui was around and a great help to me. So was the friend of Jun Nuo, whom i realised was called Qiong Wei.
Zz and ppl like Cecilia and Qu Li. Chay Yeow there too!
Zz and some other guys.. This RI dunnowho and this guy they called STD. haha jerks lah dont wanna talk abourrit.
Chay Yeow returned at about 9plus, after we've finished everything, and we talked. Then he force me eat his rice =.= haha out of goodwill lah. Then we talked and talked and talked, but halfway his parents called. And it wast the first time i see Chay Yeow lose his temper ><
So we went back.. Zz.
But overall was good. I want to go again, next mth huixun! x)
in jest; [8:00 PM]
but zz ignore the last few photos =.= arias stace leeqi and mel were the ones who wrote =.=
yes on that fateful day whereby you saw a big _________ on the whiteboard and i had to spend five minutes of Chem, with Mr Lau and the rest of the class staring at me, erasing of the permanent marker ink.
it was a traumatising experience.
in jest; [7:26 PM]
Yesterday was hazardous to my health.
Time: 9.15-11.30
Place: School
We had Refresher CPR course, which was ok. And you know how we're supposed to shout "HELP! Call Ambulance 995!"? Well.. Sal came up with an even more attention grabbing line guaranteed to have people running to you in seconds. Eh but its obscene.
Time: 11.30-12.30
Place: Cineleisure
Me Leican Kevy Jia Stacey Husena, lunch.
Time: 12.30-13.00
Place: Somerset Mrt
Reporting place for Flag Day, waiting to collect donation cans and watching people in the earlier shift come back with full tins =__= suan la suan. Stace and Husena left for Esplanade, the rest of us left tgt.
Time: 13.20-17.00
Place: Plaza Sing
Standing around with my donation can, smiling at every passerby asking "would you like to donate?", saying "thank you" if they ignore you or give you a dirty look, and saying "thank you very much" if they stop to make a donation.
Was getting a lot of money compared to Leican so we switched spots. Then got more money. HAHA ><
Cause there were like groups of ppl who like stopped to make donations. Damn cool. Then made new friends >< Haha cause after that one of the groups returned for like 3 more times >< Then everytime come back also seem to have more coins one haha.. Cause they either went to change, or went to buy new things. Total like donated a lot of money >< They talk to me, and kope all my stickers to paste and form a heartshape one of their shirt =.= and then they uh.. took my photo. Lol and ask number. Zz but they very nice la happy to make new friends (:
Also made friends with this girl giving out flyers for Made with Love. (:
Zz.. Standing outside PS then the manager chase us away eventually, so we sat at the steps along PS to rest. But then Kevy's tin like still quite empty so me and her go right outside Dhoby Gaut mrt.. Got loadsa business so Kevy's tin fill very fast. There was this man i approached that
collected sickers. See conversation.
Man: Eh different sticker..
Me: Haha yah they make a variety.
Man: Eh actually you know i collect stickers? I wondering if you could give me maybe one sheet or two..
Me: -gives 1- eh sure sure!
Man: how bout two?
Me: uhh.. -hesitates cause its the only one ihave left on hand-
Man: i donate lah you give me!
Me: uhhh.. ok lah ok la!
Man: -donates two bucks-
Me: thank you!
Man: haha cause i collect stickers yknow.. thank you!
so after he left i ran back to the others and take two sheets more, the Heart Shaped one. about 15 mins later i saw the man.
Man: eh you have the heart shaped one arh..
Me: haha yah..
Man: can i have it?
Me: uh.. how bout we exchange? give me one of the sheets you have and i give you one of this..
Man: no lah you give me this la.. i donate somemore...
Me: ..... ok loh.
Man: -takes two sheets- -donates another two bucks- because you know i came here from Chinatown.. I walk around Chinatown hoping to find but nobody had full sheets arh.. Then i was thinking Dhoby Gaut, maybe will have. So i came here..
Me: uhh.. haha ok.
[more small talk]
then we said our thanks and goodbyes, and he left for NDP preview.
haha ): so sad we couldnt watch.
Zz>< Met a few tikos.
we went back at 5.
Time: 17.15
Place: Somerset Mrt
We returned out tins, and bought tissue from the famous Singing-in-wheelchair Auntie! Rmb the One Dollar jingle? haha YESS. I sitll have the tissue in my bag -proudly- ^^ she even TA:LED TO ME :D
Time: 17.30-18.30
Place: Orchard Mrt
Supposed to meet Siyi but she was late. Haha for once i was actually Waiting for someone instead of the other way round. So rare mans.
Time: 18.35-7.15
Place: Takashimaya
We went to library to find Ge Dou. Then damn smart, we found that both of us the library card "Loan Quota Reached" :D Proded. Then Siyi had a bright idea.
and then she returned. "EH LETS GO ASK HER." But then Siyi don't know her so she don't dare to ask =.= So literally drag me (cus my legs were dying) to the girl.
It turned out to be a 305 person. The conversation went like that.
(in front of her)
Siyi: OH YAH.
Me: Eh nvm! I got my rgs uniform in my bag i go show her!
Siyi: Okok! Go! :D
Girl: ....
Me: Eh.. Hello! Uh we two uh the library card loan quota reach.. Then uh..WE ALSO FROM RGS
[struggles with bag, with much effort pull out a handful of clothing to show]
Siyi: HAHAHAHA (damn supportive =.=)
Girl: ...Ok..
Me: Uhh.. YAH! Then we saw you.. Then we were wondering whether can help us..
Siyi: Let us borrow one book..
Me: Yah.. Using your card. One borrowing space.. ><
Girl: Ok..
Me: Uhm! -fumbles with wallet and pulls out student Ez-link- NAH! Take my elink!
Girl: no its ok..
Me: Mvm one inside no money one! Just for you to have my name and ic number.. Yah..
Then when after i return the book i will come look for you and collect back the elink ><
Girl: What class are you from?
Siyi: 309.
Me: Yah! 309! and she is -points to siyi- ..uh, 309 also. uhh, YAH.
Siyi: HAHA
Girl: I'm from 305 -gives card-
HAHAHAHAHHA. SO LOSER RIGHT. T_T Gahh.. I was quite jingzhang what!! >< Haha zz..
So finally we got the book. Then after that my stomach was rumbling. We looked for food. Along the way i was educating Siyi on how when people go support ppl in school concerts they normally buy and give flowers to show support. Cause apparently this Handbells concert that we were going is Siyi's first one. Haha..
Cause we decided not to buy, but still want to show support, we found the ultimate method (: Siyi went to take photo of the label of this jewellery shop named Flower. =.= and she took pictures of flowers from Potted Plants and flower displays. (: (Y)
After that walk walk walk.. Then we spotted some other flower.
Hahahah cause we were looking through glass, then when wanted to go in we couldn't find the door. Siyi spent about a minute looking for the entrance to the shop hahaha.
We were planning to tell Ms Chong:
"Um hi Ms Chong.. We wanted to pluck flower for you one... Then hoh it was inside this jewellery shop... But then hoh.. We couldn't find the entrance to the shop. So in the end never pluck."
Haha (Y) we damn rock. And we spent like the rest of the time like blind mice around Taka looking for food. Take escalator when we shud take lift and take lift when we could reach faster with escalator. (:
So in the end by the time i buy my Siew Mai and other Dim Sum we were running late. So just chiong through the whole of Taka. Got lost, and chiong again. Haha until we reach the busstop. In a way its quite an achievement cause the two of us just the blind lead the blind, and for every time we go one way, we had gone a wrong way before that.. So its quite pro we reach the busstop alr.
I was so hungy i held my dimsum and at the busstop (: So not weird (: Met Charlene and Xuefen on the bus.
Reach school.. Outside the school were flowers on the ground, and Siyi wanted to pluck. Luckily i walk away fast. Haha.. Then when we reach the gate, there were FLOWERS. Real flowers for sale, in our face. Held by PITs.
I forgot, "The good thing about concerts held in school is this". haha i told that to Siyi. Zz why can't PITs sell flowers at concerts in VCH or Esplanade too T_T
Zzz. Concert was good (: We saw Ms Chong perform and Kelly also. Ms Ang was there, her hair cuter then ever. Mr Teo was there with his mum and wife! X) SO SWEET. Haha the two of them wore Qing Lv Zhuang somemore (: (:
Later on we saw Joy and she said this: Just now Ms Ang came with her friends but it was dark and i thought it was only 3 rgs girls so i told them to buy flowers. Then Ms Ang said Hi Joy.
HAHAHA. This reminds me of the AJ incident la! "Don't worry i won't bite!" zz damn cute (:
Concert was damn zzbomb (: Choir (Alumni?) had guest performance and i liked For The Longest Time.
Talked to Mr Teo Ms Ang and Ms Chong, and had a few candid shots also.
Finally, with my headache and stomachache and leg muscle aches, i went home and reached at 11plus, to get scolding from my parents (: Long story.
in jest; [5:15 PM]
i put on my earphones, and your heated words slowly dissolved away.
in jest; [4:23 PM]
i like sitting the bus at night..
zz its damn.. that way.
the feeling i get when it rains, or when night falls.
zz, just that way.
a little creepy, but in the thrilling way. like my childhood nightmare that now still haunts me even in the way. .. i like it (:
no dreamy no..
just that way.
haha zz i shall come up with a term to describe this feeling.
just like how i used x. and L..
many ppl have asked what XL stands for. and i never answered cause its so hard to explain.. that its not initials of names or first letters of words. its just there.. as its own.
so i let them come up with stuff like extra large. haha.. sometimes someone goes "eh where got guy name X one! not Xavier then still got what!"
haha.. also because.. its too personal. and also because i came up with them, i was afraid that if i were to tell someone she'd go =__= diao?
zz but this is my blog.
X and L are NOUNS. no shortform, no nothing. NOUNS.
x is the u___l___ (that exists in situations whereby there emotions are likened to that of in IP)
L, is a figure that takes many forms/characters. all fiction or dreamed or imagined. i cant list examples ><
zz. this feeling, its called. .11
zz and very related to taiwan trip, yes. (:
in jest; [10:34 PM]
i wonder what you're thinking of,
as you sit there all day long, handicapped by old age and inconvenienced by diabetes.
your large round eyes turn to stare at me, but i dare not look back. i've often gazed at people your age, silently wondering how life is like for you.
do you feel helpless? do you feel like you're a burden? do you
know what your children think about you? do you get up to sit in the dark all by yourself and weep at night?
or do you feel enlightened? you've spent some time looking at the world from the sideline now.. what have you realised? do you know something we don't?
whenever i approach somewhere near you, i put on a bright smile and greet you, but quickly hurry away. but why? what am i afraid of?
i recall the many times ive seen an elderly person and felt the urge to draw nearer.. to sit beside her and scrutinize her wrinkled face.. to ask the many questions that i've always yearned to ask.
you've lived for so long now...
what do you know about life? or are you, like the rest of us, still none the wiser?
i know, it's a matter of time -- a few years only, in fact -- before i go through what you are experiencing right now. the funny thing...everytime i've been told to 'see' my future self, i've never pictured the huge successful artist that i want to be. i closed my eyes..and i've always seen old age and death.
in you.. i see my future self. sort of.
so curious, excited, scared, eager.. to find out more.
in jest; [10:59 PM]
Sms Convo
Me: SIYI YOU GOT SCANNER? The surds lesson i never come then i dunno anything! My ws empty!
Siyi: Eh i dun have leh! Sorry.. Hurry up go ask someone else, or i can give u the answer but i not sure corRIGHT or not, or uask jteo give you the ans? Heh, Sorry!
Me: Eh orh.. ><>< mafan ni!
15 mins later siyi call me.
Siyi: You esprain!
Me: huh?
Siyi: You esprain! What sms the answer? How to sms you
esprain? SQUARE ROOT four over..
Me: HAHAHHA. so you tell over the phone isit! ><
Siyi: Ya..
Me: Eh i call you back later i reaching home then now i dont have paper and pen also..
Siyi: Kay
Zz so we just had another convo.
Me: Hello may i speak to Siyi?
Siyi: Speaking.
Me: Oh! -shrieks- Hi siyi!!!
Siyi: huh?
Me: Eh.. hello!
Siyi: Oh, er did u call me just now?
Me: Why..
Siyi: I went out just now..
Me: Go where!
Siyi: huh?
Me: Go where!
Me: ok nvm
Siyi: so which one!
Me: Surds loh!
Siyi: uh you want the first page answer? the first page is all the Objectives and Key Understandings leh...
Me: YAP!
Siyi: [imagine her blinking] You.. want the answers to the.. objectives and understandings..
Me: NO! Below got the square root in the form of dunnowhat one..
Zz then Siyi started giving me the answers that she had :D Reading square root and stuff (:
Me: Eh the questions below difficult anot.
Siyi: Ok la.. Aiya that one chicken feet la, compared to the other one. Dont need to do one la!
Siyi: whatever la.
haha zz i damn bo liao. ZZORR DIE FOR MATH. ><
in jest; [9:11 PM]
GO RI GUITAR ENSEMBLE CONCERT :DPrice: $8Date: 25th Aug, FridayTime: 7.30pmPlace: RJC(: those who want to go but have yet to buy Tix ask me :D zz someone wants to sell a lot of tix =__= and we can sit together. haha..
(: go!
in jest; [8:07 PM]
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JIA.im sorry its written belated now T_T because i was too busy sleeping just nw to make this post. then nw its 2.27am alr. T_T aiyah.. ):
best wishes anyway.
aside from that:
quote of the dayms huang:
can you imagine what a turn on that is for your male teachers?then she went on to talk about if the whole world wore less then Men wouldnt be so easily aroused.
"if we wore more, then the slightest reveal of flesh would turn them on"
all: EEHHH.
ms huang: really! in the past in china it was consider VERY SEXY for a woman to show her
haha yah actually we know.. wrist also. just watch Memoirs of Geisha. lol.
zz. ms huang = (Y). she said "you will get back your Lit PT only after you finish reading Heart of Darkness."
O_O WHAT?! =____________= haha wl..
newsas most probably already know,
Mrs Toh has given birth! x) x) the talk of the whole school (i think). haha rumours said Sunday but Ms Huang said Sat. Then rumours also said it was named Joseph Toh =___= but Ms Huang said no. Fortunately.
Lol. Yay for Mrs. Toh! Mother now! She has always given me the motherly impression. Not the homey motherly kind.. I think it was more of the nagging. Haha i can just imagine her standing in front of her baby holding a small whiteboard and teaching mole. :D blessed baby.
Anyway zz Ms Huang forbid us go see Mrs. Toh. ): we were like WHYYYYYY ): the prospect of the 35 of us just barging into the house of someone who just given birth seemed fine to us. (:
zz yay.
but starting to miss Mrs. Toh already...
in jest; [2:30 AM]
haha, and now i'm crazy over it. And Zac Efron.(:
abit late, i know, but still something x)
Fav Songs1. Breaking Free
2. What I've Been Looking For (reprise)
3. Bop to the Top
others..4. Start of Something New
5. Get'cha Head In the GameTHEDANCE!!!!!
We’re soarin’, flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are I've never had someone that knows me like you do
The way you do
And I've never had someone as good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for
Speaking of LEEQI.

and there was paul's

haha zz jia also made >< but it was in a word doc ><
today, the bunch of us went around putting 'em up. Leeqi me jia paul. and then Chen was joining in. T_T yes, the chaos was mind damaging.
haha (Y) we tried to put one above the stairs, and spent 15 mins on that one poster, climbing the side of stairs and all over the place. Mr Ng couldnt help, even. Then eventually Jamie our heroine saved the day :D
haha.. Also, Qi had Hersy Kisses but i think most is eaten up by th class alr =___=
in jest; [2:11 AM]
zpop day was good.. (:
even though i feel so bare without photos.. i shall just blog. ><
..the next day was gonna be Leican's birthday, so Leeqi Me and Grace went with her to Crystal Jade and it was yummmmmy, and fun. I'll give no details, except that we ordered twice the same big plate of fried rice : D
Lol.. then Grace left and Leeqi Me Leican went shopping. For clothes. Can you
imagine? HAHA. Qi ended up spending half the time mourning and watching fish, and the other half giving comments on the clothes that Leican tried on.
"I NEVER shop for clothes" :D QI ROXOR.
Leican and I parted ways to go with our different TXY sections. I was with.. Yingying Lydia and Yuxiang. Yu Hsin couldnt go.. Cus of exams i think. >< Then she damn sad then i damn sad for her also >< The free tic was given to Siyi even though not allowed. Haha oops? NVM LA :D
Zz.. On the way. It was damn cute.. At first Ying wanted to take Taxi there, then Yuxiang say walk so we just walk. Like not even one km then Ying said she was dying already.
"I cannot go on anymore T_T" then she tried to flag a taxi.. that was going in the opposite direction somemore. Luckily we stopped her in time. Haha then along the way she kept trying to flag taxi. After that somehow we formed pairs. Me and Yu Xiang, and Lydia and Yingying, kept trying to overtake each other. So end up we walk damn fast, even Yingying, and reach damn early. (Y)
You know at the entrance? They check your bags and tell you not to bring drinks in? And they allow you to take a sip before you go in? Yeah.. Yingying was "taking her sip", and walking around, then she dunno how come walk to us (the people who have already passed the check point) and dunno how come happened to pass her water bottle to Lydia who stuffed it in her bag, and dunno how come ended up we help her bring her bottle into the stadium. (: (Y) i know.
ZZ. Siyi and I went to sit with Kevy who was only two rows behind. Siyi and I kept being gl and telling each other to esprain. Finally Kevy couldnt take it anymore. "Sooner or later you all will write your compo like that loh!"
Haha =_____________= that made us stop. So i found some other way to be gl :D
Kevy: Eh then they will know its RGS ppl do one knw..
Me: .... Then nvm! -jump to other ppl chair- I PEEL OTHER PPL ONE. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Then Siyi very happy and join me in peeling : D
Aiyo Siyi how can you like that! So destructive! Must learn to be like me : D
Then.. Leeqi came! In damn coolios clothes! Nice black buttoned shirt and matching necklace. -swoons- My future hubby leh! Haha zz oh fine kidding.
Kevy, Siyi, Leeqi, Me.
Just look at the names. Can you imagine the noise we were creating? HAHA. TOO BAD. Crap and crap. Then Yashan joined us. Zz we all never take our own seats :D Fan zhen last row actually no people one.
Leican came last, but there was no seat left. So the whole row of us migrated to the a row nearby with more seats :D End up 309 people take over one row by ourselves. :D
Zpop, concert proper.
Fish Leong, Jeff Chang, Harlem Yu, Jolin Tsai. Superband couldnt turn up, but nevertheless. Zpop was (Y)(Y)(Y) haha. Just imagine la! This kind of combo, daaamn cool. (:
The songs were aaall memorable, but Yong Qi was the one that almost made me cry. Zz.. Cause made me rmb Ah Hai ><
Fish Leong was the typical but well-liked female singer, Jeff the one who touch people's hearts (we were guessing if Lao Shi's idol was him :D), Harlem Yu was the funny one, and Jolin the hot one.
Haha.. Most people were there to see Jolin anyway. I went for fun's sake ^^
Throughout, was
high. Qi even had binoculars that Siyi and Yashan were hogging. But methinks the high-est were me and Leican. We kept jumping up to bob and wave hands around. Haha. At where we orginally sat were the rest of TXY people, and they were this huge bunch that shouts very loudly and attracts all the singers' attention. Haha zz because beeg group mah, united (: So Leican and Me decided to abandon ship and join them.. Zz kidding la. Actually we went over because the Siyi they all like not high like that.. ):
Among the TXY there was this guy.. I forgot his name. Something Yao. He, damn (Y). at the points of time when most of audience quiet, he will JUMP UP and SCREAM "JOLIN!!!!"
HAha (Y). no wonder attract attention right. I think the few rows behind us were damn xian. Cus we were this group that kept standing and sitting and shouting. :D Chay Yeow was there. And Qingxiang. HAha i know not many people from the other sections la ><
Yay.. I recorded the whole concert (: Do i rock or do i rock. You know alot of people missed the encore >< Cause after Jolin sang then people presented tokens of appreciation or what, then ppl just kept leaving. THEN after duno how many people left they said that got Encore. Haha (Y), those who left jack themselves, cause encore was damn good.
Harlem Yu sang th "Ren Sheng Yi Ba Huo" song.. I dunowat title >< Zz taiwan again. ):
After concert.. Went with ChayYeow Leican and the rest of those who didnt go home immediately to go Macs. Zz made new friends.. This guy named Jun Nuo and his friend. At first i thought he was damn scary >< Cus he keep following around and making weird comments. And use weird way to get contact.. >< But zz eventually felt that he's a nice guy la (: He even lent Leican 50 bucks to get home (: Zz yay for seniors.
Realised that Qing Xiang and i live daamn near each other. i 786 he 790plus. Also in Woodlands Crescent ithink (: is that cool or is that cool.
By the time reach home.. Duno how late alr.
I was like. Step into house, ZzzzzzZZzzzZzz.
in jest; [1:29 AM]
zz gr8! im gonna blog..
x) first, letme show you what
chen gave me today. :D

cmon you HAVE to scream! i was shrieking and jumping around in her class when she showed me (:
zz DAMN tooched la >< cause chen is like always have this neverending wish/shopping list, then she still spent the money and got this for me >< just cause she knows i like >< zz wl >< TAHNKYOOOOO CHEN <3 <3 (:
The book is
ze bomb. Since i can't take photos of it, i shall just describe..
(for those who don't read deathnote, well i can't tell u much..)
like in the comic, it comes in the form of a notebook 2cm thick, with black cover. It has the
actual rules page like in the comic, and even has
names written on the notepages, like in the comic! x) "Lind. L. Taylor", and the other prisoners...
I can hardly breathe : D
So many people were trying to seduce the book la! Esp Yashan, who couldn't stop groping. Haha but noooOooo DeathNote is my
Bao Bei nao everybody keep yer paws off :D
Zz so tooched today, that i made a little trip dwn to Plaza Sing... (:(:(:
Deathnote Links:webbie (its loading)
the bookfanlistingthe moviezzzzzz
in jest; [10:33 PM]
coesfest 2006
all photos in this post courtesy of ANG JIA CONG, just because some shitass stole my camera fuckyou.
fuck la i had chio pix ok. fuck la xin tong. fuck. AND I HAD VIDS. WL.
i dont feel like writing captions or linking imgs so u can just take a look at these.

wtf. tmw is RHD and i dont have a cam. wtf, my life is over. wtf i got no cam wtf. u ruined my life whoever u shit. wtf. wl i hate school.
in jest; [10:42 PM]