2) also, i've been addicted to Cyndi Wang again. =.= Jay not counted, cause i've never been unaddicted to him. haha tomorrow gonna bring her songs and upload to class com, so i can put the tracks on repeat and drive everyone crazy : D
3) lastly, GO READ The Withern Rise Trilogy! pwns! haha, the one i read was A Crack in the Line, book 1. you get can it from school library after i return it tomorrow. : D
At first glance the book looked like an interesting story on stolen identity, cause it said "What if someone else was living your life?", and that kind of stuff intrigued me.
But it's not anything like that. It's more of a "2-reality" thing, BUT its definitely not your typical i-just-found-this-whole-new-world! kind of plot.. Have a read! Its a thought provoking story, surreal fascinating a little sad and funny all at once, laced with vivid dreamlike yet not necessarily beautiful imagery likely to stay with you for a while. Its actually easy to read and can be finished within a day or two.
A plusplus for Lit students :D cause.. i dunno -shrug- seems like the kind of book Lit ppl would like (:
haha ok advertisment over. gklfsjgsdk
one thing that made me happy today: got the vision thing settled. :D its complicated. i dropped someone's vision:m, and it was screwed big time. i was like hell guilty. we went all the way to simlim in hopes of exchanging it for a new one (there was this warranty thing, within seven days can change) but the bugger said they were out of stock. so nevermind, dad took it to Creative and they supposedly fixed it (needless to say we never told them it was dropped. well they didn't ask!)
uhh, after reparation it was still malfunctioning, so we brought it back again. today. and guess what! the hardware was screwed so they decided to give us a brand new vision:m
oh but he lost his recordings.. ): sorry. ): i'll think of a way to make it up to you >.< but i was like grinning all the way. 'cause its like, so lucky.
in the car i was like "HAH STOOPID CREATIVE STAFF". haha my parents were evil like me.
by the way Creative's place is damn cool. I wanted to shoot some parts, but apparently photography wasnt allowed. hahah DUH.
shit why i type so much. i'm supposed to be tired. but i think by the way i'm typing now you can tell. or can you? STOP TRYING TO HINT THAT I TYPE THE SAME WAY REGARDLESS WHETHER I'M IN A CLEAR STATE OF MIND.
raaahh. mr. tee was damn.. weird. weird, but funny, and funny but weird.
haha i think i really need to rest. talk abt it next time. gnight.
in jest; [4:05 AM]
heya, currently at lit lesson in com lab using the oh-wonderful mac.
=____= these few sec twos, a few of my debate jnrs included, are like two computers away recording this series of weird sound clips. then they distort the voices.. and laugh at them. i think everything is supposed to make up a story or sth.
before this, siyi came in like halfway thru lesson.
siyi: -walk in- class: -all stare- ms huang: -stare- good morning siyi! where did you come from! siyi: uhh.. toilet? ms huang: toilet! almost half the lesson is gone! us: HAHAHAHA ms huang: what were you doing! siyi: -blink- i went to shit? us: HAHAHAHA
then ms huang checked her culottes and made her tuck in her shirt all that, like what she did with the whole class. but it wasn't like, scary. today was funny.
(: she must be in a good mood. ok gtg else get booked. haha.
in jest; [10:23 AM]
T_T haha.. wl i'm sick lah. T_T i think even my body is closing down on me now. i thought it'd get better, but apparently school is not proving health-inducing to my mental and physical state. i've got an additional stomachache..
anyway, there is work to be done, but i'm just in the mood for blogging.
today was.. interesting. i think due to my mind's inability to concentrate on main points and digest lessons properly, i started zoning out. as such, only certain sentences caught my attention. we got back our english SA, and i think we didn't do very well. the highest was 34 upon 50? =.= gosh.
"uh, No, sit down. i'm going to tell you what is going to happen for the rest of the semester.. and for the rest of your lives."
Jtoh's funny like that. He was rambling on about the special dates in the semester, then he realised we were blur.
"you don't KNOW?! Ah, you silly woman."
he told us that our expo SA was do-or-die, and went on about it. after giving the scare of the day, he was like "ah, that's it. NOW i'm leaving."
we had career guidance after recess: first lesson at that.. that teacher..what's his name?
never mind. everyone was hardly listening. we were told to come up with questions we had for the module, and people were like "how to become a millionaire", "how to take over the world", and "how to drop out of school and still be successful".
i only heard shit like that. most of the time i was sitting there with Rita watching Latha and Leican with amusement.
Leican: -smiles at Latha- Latha: YOU WANT TO FIGHT ISIT. Leican: WHAT! goes something like a typical exchange between them.
Latha was using one of her corny pick-up lines as classroom joke again.
Latha: Are you a parking ticket? Rita: ASK WHY. Me: NO DONT. DONT ASK WHY. Leican: what did you say? Latha: =.= nvm.. -changes line- Do you have a bandaid? Leican: whattt? Latha: Do you have a plaster? Leican: whattt? Latha: Plaster. Leican: Plaster, no. Why? Latha: I think i scraped my knee falling for you.
NOW you know how it was like, being around Latha. She said she just had this gift and talent for remembering pickup lines. She tried to pull on me the one about thieves and eyes but i knew it already.
Anyway i asked Latha why pick Leican. She started protesting furiously.
Latha: What! You think i wanna pick her up arh, its for the sake of the JOKE ok Leican: What! You think i will accept her this kind of person?! I want to VOMIT arh
it wasn't long before they started throwing things at each other.
i don't know how things evolved, but somehow Rita got involved. i turned my head for a while, and when i turned back Rita and Leican were bickering.
Rita: -throw- SEE PPL UNDERWEAR Leican: -throw- You GOT UNDERWEAR arh! Latha: eh THATS MY THING.
i got bored, being so innocently uninvolved and all. so while Rita was engrossed in her drawing (of me), i took her pencil box and spilled its contents across the whole table in a nice path.
it took her 5 minutes 45 seconds to realise.
Rita: Lena! -holds the black little thing threateningly- Pick it up or this will be IN YOUR THROAT.
Rita has to work on her threatening skills, really.
Later, Latha was telling us about the benefits of being in RGS.
Latha: You know what RGS has taught me? Tolerance. Everytime i see you (leican) arh i want to slap your face -- now its getting better already.
Latha you go girl!
Finally CG ended, and last lesson Biology was the bomb.
Mr. Aldrin Tee, the new biology teacher that both Me and Leeqi have met even before today. Also, we knew of his very special relationship with Mr. Justin Teo (:, although we don't have details.
He appeared in a shirt buttoned all the way to the top, but tucked out a lot. Like.. nerd and pai?
"309.. This is the class i've been dreading yet anticipating."
We were like WHYY. I understood the dreading, but anticipation? Ok sorry i was slow. When it hit me i went like OOOHHH, and so did many others.Then there were laughs. He himself said he was acquainted with Mr. Teo.
We told him about our class's reputation. Then he talked, and talked, and talked. Ok so maybe he didn't turn out to be like what i thought he was....
"309" he kept repeating. "I didnt expect you to be so quiet, so docile, so...boring.."
We told him it was the first-day-of-school blues.
"Really? You all seem to be a bunch of nerds just sitting there..."
The nerve! Nerdy and boring? OUR class?
He set down the ground rules immediately. He told us that he used to teach technical, and was accustomed to taking disciplinary actions against students. Stuff like that.
Tee: I detest it when ppl are distinterested or uninterested.. Jnanee: Whats the diff? Tee: ... Arias: The diff is that one of the words is nonexistent. Tee: I think disinterested is when one is not interested, and uninterested... Class: -laugh-
Indeed, like he said so himself, he uses colourful language. Too colourful, such that even the pitch and volume of his speech tend to vary tremendously.
Tee: If i SEE.. HEAR.. SMELL anything wrong.. i will rectify it. I know your form teacher Mr. Teo is a very gentle man.. Class: UHHHHH.
He also told us he was a many-faced monster who didn't yet know how he was going to behave in RGS. He told us he whacks ppl =.= , and that he tend to make ppl break down.
"The thing is that boys always cry when i try to talk to them.."
=____= trying to intimidate us.. tsk tsk. He said that coming to RGS was part of his journey in finding out more about himself, and see also what our school is about. It sounded like he expected a lot from students of an 'elite' school, yet was not hopeful that his expectations would be met.
"Welcome back to school!" he said. "You need to switch your mindset from a holiday one to that of school.. From a carefree lifestyle to thelife of a slave."
Thanks arh..
He started telling us what was appropriate behaviour, and what was inappropriate.
Basically we needed to be attentive, not sleep, (if want to sleep must tell him), not try funny things (if want to try funny things must tell him also), not go up to him slap him on the back and say "EH MR. TEE, HOU BOH!", and when the teacher was talking not write furiously on a piece of paper with a blue pen like i was doing.
Haha, WHAT! i was writing down quotes from him ok.. He should be honoured =.= He said he had a good impression from me and Leeqi, but i think after the first lesson the impression went dead.
He emphasized a lot on interaction between students and teacher. And told us that we must be honest. Someone had a question, Wanqi i think?
Tee: Yes, please ASK. .. you MUST ask. if not you WONT KNOW. Wanqi: Eh, ok. How did you know Mr. Teo?
Laughs. It turned out they met in NS, heh cool. We wanted details but he refused to disclose ): Just like Mr. Teo. The dirty little secret remains uncovered.
Jnanee asked about his background also.. Like school life.
Tee: I came from an all-boys school.. Us: Which school? Tee: Which school produces ELOQUENT, INTELLIGENT, GENTLEMANLY... Arias: Chinese High? Tee: HUH?! NO WAY! Someone: Acs.. Tee: See! Immediately ppl can see which school....
=___= tian arh.
Since he was in boys school and used to teach only boys, he was slightly deprived.
"to see girls is abit unusual for me.. i'm not used to seeing girls"
"Also! If you find me insufficient.. If i cannot FULFILL your needs.."
"I'm abit blind.. Sometimes if i don't remember your name i might have to look at your nametag.. Please understand that i am LOOKING AT your NAMETAG.."
...Sounds a bit dangerous doesn't he? By the way, Zhixin resembles the head prefect of his previous school. LOL. His head prefect must have been really puny (: Haha Zhixin don't kill me, puny is cute! Ask anyone! x)
Soon after the 'chat' he did name-calling to get our names right. Called Melissa Medusa, called Alicia ALI (thanks to us -beams-), and shouted Jnanee's name to get it right.
At Arias's name, Tee: Lim Jie? Leeqi: CALL HER R-A-S. Arias: Oi! Tee: RAS.. Why? Arias: Rubbish lar! Tee: Your name is rubbish?
Damn he's lame..
Tee: Before i end the lesson -- I can end the lesson early right? Us: YESSSS. Tee: BUT i will NOT. =________=
Then he launched into this talk about how his teaching style might be different and he will try to adhere to our needs, but we must still learn to adapt. He made the most interesting analogy i've heard this year.
The main gist was: "You are the organism and I am the environment. You must CHANGE to fit the environment. This is the survival of the fittest. If you cannot adapt, you are the weakest of the species and will soon die out."
It went on, then the bell rang thank god.
Then he stood there and stoned for a while
"Jialat.. this is a.. Either I HAVE SCREWED YOU.."
us: WHAT?!
haha so nevermind. he said he wanted to see us more energetic first thing tomorrow, or he "would have some serious ass-kicking to do."
I think he's the most dangerous bio teacher ever. And i've lived the past 14 years of my life believing that Bio teachers came in the form of harmless gentle creatures?
He definitely did not turn out who i thought he was... Anyway, he's gonna be our CLET, so let's have fun waiting to see how he and mr. teo works together to handle our class shall we? : D
Good night ppl.
in jest; [10:44 PM]
PoohBear i <333 sapporo!!! says: their school culture ROCKS okay! i'm migrating to their school man they have ZERO homework. ZERO pts
xl 坚持 says: .. O.O WHAT
PoohBear i <333 sapporo!!! says: and tests no need to study one
xl 坚持 says: O.O THEN WHAT DO THEY DO.
PoohBear i <333 sapporo!!! says: cos no one studies everyday she go home slackslackslack
xl 坚持 says: =_________________________________= wth then jap still so advanced =.=
PoohBear i <333 sapporo!!! says: lesson dun need to pay attention one
xl 坚持 says: how they do one.
PoohBear i <333 sapporo!!! says: then their class is like super interactive and everyone is super friendly haha her class is the noisest class!
xl 坚持 says: T_T
in jest; [11:41 PM]
from CHEN's blog ^^
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY #Do you like anyone? mmmm hmm. #Do they know it? uhh.. #Simple or complicated? simple, i think
IN THE LAST MONTH HAVE YOU #Bought something? definitely. #Gotten sick? still sick. #Been hugged? nah. #Felt dumb? UHHUH. #Talked to an ex? ..kinda. #Missed someone? sure. #Failed a test? holidays, dear, holidays. #Ate cereal? in LONDON somore :D #Danced crazy? jump crazy can? #Got your hair cut? i wish.
YOURSELF #Nervous habits? yah i do weird stuff. dont ask. #Can you roll your tongue? yup. #Raise one eyebrow? go and die stop suanning me. #Cross your eyes? ...ok fine i cant, happy? #Make your bed daily? my bed doesnt need making #Think you are unique? ya of course -beam- makes me think of the crap debate lol.
HAVE YOU EVER #Given money to a homeless? in LONDON. >.< #Said ' I Love You'? of course. #Cheated in a test? haha YEAH. #waited all night for a phone call? mm hmm. #Sat and looked at the stars? x) yesyesyesyes
MANNERS #Do you swear? heee. -smiles- #Do you ever spit? nope. get fined how. lol. #Do you cook your own food? yah, at random times. #Do your own chores? hehe no.
YOU #Like beef jerky? uhh. no i... #Pepsi or coke? actually ive never been able to tell the diff.. i dont like both. #Happy with your hair? no. #Own a dog? no ): #Spend your money wisely? haha if only. #Like swimming? wl i cant swim. #Call a friend when bored? no. i sleep. #Patient? uh depends with who :D
DO YOU PREFER #flower or candy? both are equally good, but candy is fattening so... #grey or black? BLACK :D #colour or black and white photos? blackwhite #lust or love? <3 #summer or winter? winter #tea or coffee? like both no diff #icecream or cake? icecream #christmas or thanksgiving? xmas #day or night? night
haha ok damn xian dont make me do bio pls dont make me do bio T_T
in jest; [9:59 PM]
stupid floor.
stupid cement.
stupid school.
stupid sandwich.
stupid handphone.
stupid computer.
stupid movie.
stupid mannequin named x standing on my table in the very weird posture which my father twisited.
stupid everything.
in jest; [5:04 PM]
bear with me. if anything, it's celeste chen's fault. i can't close her blog because of that song. and this continuous replay is having a very large impact on me.
go and have a listen.
why does it only have to be right before death that your life 'flashes before your eyes'?
now, when i close my eyes, i can i see my whole life put on fastforward right before me. flashes of the most important moments in life, the big the small the memorable the not. the little bits made up so much.. i've once been living these images, and yet now they are only what i can conjure from memory.
inevitable i know, but that doesnt mean it don't hurt.
if we often look back and lament on how the old times were so golden, doesn't it mean we are actually living these wonderful moments right now? but why... can't i feel it? not really.. in a way i can't.
every single one of you who have stepped in or stepped out of my life, the footprints remain. you forget me i forget you, eventually. i may not remember your face or your name, but the footprints remain. still.
i keep in a locked up musical box the littlest memories that you never even recalled.
flash. flash. flash. flash.
i think i'm gonna get a headache.
treasure, kids.
in jest; [1:52 AM]
haven't been blogging so much have i?
i'm currently feeling.. abit high, abit low.
high because.. rgdebate camp was the bomb; things at home are getting better; there's no school tomorrow; i keep thinking about someone..
low because.. i read a number of blogs... and a few affected me. one by a stranger... sort of. one by an acquaintance i dont really care about. one by a friend whom i do care about... and one by a good friend whom i care a lot about.
actually, there are more reasons to feel high than low, but it is like that -- in case of clash between Mr. Happy and Mr. Sad, sadness and desolation easily dominates over happiness.
you know these things, they like to accumulate? they are unfortunately not shortlived like happiness.
i don't exactly know why either.. its kind of weird when i start feeling sad for no reason again. up till a few minute4s ago, i could account for every single negative emotion i've encountered in these few days.
this is probably one of those things about myself that i've yet to know.
oh, and i miss london and paris.
miss the trip and everyone badly ..
.. i miss my roommate linlin i miss the cool buildings i miss the awesome folks there i miss the high i miss the sea of blond hair i miss the beautiful places i miss the telephone booths i miss the teachers i miss the museums i miss the tube i miss just going around like that.. i miss the feeling. i miss the breeze i miss how we sit on the grass and just stone i miss the sketching i miss the lampposts i miss the policemen and their cute uniforms i miss the art shops i miss the souvenir shops i miss taking photos i miss lugging the bags around i miss the small 'parties' i miss the bridge games i miss the shouting at each other i miss the inherent bit of friction i miss everything everything on the my daily happy lists i miss the euros i miss the pounds i miss every little bit of the place i miss every single one of you guys even the music ppl i miss the frikkin eiffel tower i miss the MEAL at the eiffel tower i miss the views i miss.. every single bit of it.
just like how i miss taiwan.
just like how i miss china.
i miss, also, the genting trip that the family went on. the thailand, the malaysia, the hongkong.
happiness is so goddamn shortlived.
in jest; [1:18 AM]
hahaha, yesyesyesyesyes x)
in jest; [9:35 PM]
let me start by saying, a day out with siyi is never sane.
haha i don't know how we are going to survive in the days we shall work together for Chinese PT.
first, we went school library, and siyi was in PE shorts. so i eyed her up and down and demanded. "how you go in like that? you explain, explain why you wear like that when we are going to sch libary you explain nono sorry no use must explain."
then she whipped out this culottes. "XL size one," she told me seriously.
haha, when she put it on. i literally pointed at her and laughed outside the library for 5 minutes. she looked so damn funny la! the culottes so baggy.. i shouldve taken a photo so i could share =____=
so siyi had to grab my sleeve and drag me into the library so we could get on with our lives. library again.. omg. haha i was trying my best not to laugh ok!
aiya but siyi's just too funny.
later we sat in one corner of the library. (couldnt help it, that's where the school places all the chinese books haha) then we found the I Not Stupid comic and decided to flip through it. the first page we opened to, we laughed at it for another 7 minutes. and we flipped more, and laughed more.
had a stomachache from too much I Not Stupid. We grabbed a few more chinese books, i took some web design stuff, and we check them out. The librarian was giving me these looks of disdain, as always, just because i used my IC instead of an ez-link.
So we zao from school.
We these two retards...were checking up Zhixin's bus guide. Haha thanks zhixin it really came in handy. But not like Siyi was making good use of it. She.. nvm i shall not say.
We reached Taka in one whole piece, thank you very much. Was supposed to go library, but Siyi wanted food. So in the process of getting to MOS, Siyi got distracted by this U2 shop.
Poor thing, U2 had something against her. The moment she goes in the sensors at the entrance beep loudly. But when i go in its ok. So i tell her to come in. Then she tries another way in and that sensor beeps too. Well every sensor by which she tries to enter beeps. And they beep at varying pitches they almost made up a song. Haha so i was standing in U2, laughing at her.
Siyi got so pissed that she refused to go in anymore. So i had to go after her, laughing.
"U2 ni gei wo ji zhu.." then she stalk off without waiting.
Binged at MOS burger, while reading I Not Stupid together. So we took a considerable amount of time. We were laughing, of course, and sitting near the counter too. So everyone just stared.
Aiya. Library @ Orchard. In the chinese section in school lib there were like many instances whereby Siyi takes out a book and i go "Oh i have that one!", then did i realise i actually have quite a few chinese books. After Siyi took out the Lee Kuan Yew Autobiography and i went "Oh i have that too!", she said we might as well ditch the place and crash my house for books.
=____= We were saying we needed something like dramatic, so it'll be easy presentation.. Just act it out.
"Eh this one looks dramatic!" she pulls out a book excitedly. Then it read "Creative Packaging"
We gave up searching for nice novels, and decided Ge Dou Tian Wang and other 5566 story books would be nice. The catalogue i picked was faulty so we waited 15 minutes for someone else's computer. Then we spent another 20 minutes going back and forth the catalogue, finally picking out Ge Dou.
Then after we tried to check the books out, the computer screen in front of me flash "Loan quota reached"
O.O i turned around, and Siyi looked at me. "Mine also leh! O.O"
Noooo.. i called my mum on phone.
"MA! You all didn't return the books?"
"Hmm? No arh its still in the car boot."
"...What!" Librarian comes and tells me off. Runs out.
"Ya.. Why?"
after i finally hung up, i returned to Siyi and we stoned around the area for a while.
"dunno leh."
aiya self jack.
T_T all that time for nothing....
nvm loh, we went Kino. then we supposed to look for Jimmy but went to look for Ge Dou instead, and spent maybe 40 minutes there gushing over Xie Zhi's newest book, and also Joshua & Shawn's book. Siyi whipped out her phone and started snapping the Xie Zhi book cover. hahaha.. then she ripped off the price tag cause it was covering his face.
So after we managed to pull ourselves away from Xie Zhi we went to look for Jimmy Liao's works. Pounced on the catalogue, but when i typed enter the screen showed this wide array of jap characters.
Excuse me? fiddled with the thing and finally got Chinese.
But it wasn't useful anyway. We went through like 10 shelves because of the catalogue's wrong directions, but didnt find what we wanted anyway.
We returned to the catalogue and started typing specific names of Jimmy's books. Then the thing is not very user-friendly, so we accidentally erased our entry like five times. On the 6th time i wanted to re-enter, Siyi reached over me and pointed.
Right next to the catalogue was a Jimmy Liao Book Display. Then we started laughing, and laughing. Omg so retarded. Then we looked a bit further, and realised that the whole shelf of Jimmy stuff are actually less than a metre away.
We spent 10 minutes in front of the shelf laughing.
Haha cock-eyed retards.. can't stand it.
There was this book, Jimmy's. I took it off the shelf, read the title, and burst out laughing. Let me try and google it...
Haha ok unsuccessful. Anyway its called "Wo De Xin Zhong Mei Tian Kai Yi Duo Hua", and the cover image is this guy in a plain costume lying down on the ground with this gigantic flower bursting out from his chest and looming over him.
Its hilarious, and from Siyi's laughter i could tell she agreed.
"Ting Ji Mi Chang Ge... Eh you want to listen anot?" Siyi held this squarish looking thing.
then she started laughing again.
laugh laugh laugh laugh.. it turned out to be a book. the two retards finally decided to call it a day... and go home empty handed. =.=
its really quite hard to decide... in the end we just learnt that we have to read quite a few books before we can decide. how? i want to read Ge Dou ): haha..
Aiya.. my Jimmy books: i only have two. The Graceful Solitude, and the Happiness one. I liked them both, but the second one is missing..... T_T i think i lent someone...
always like tht one, nobody likes to return the stuff they borrow from me =.=
aiya whatever la. zao from Kino, then wanted the toilet badly. Siyi was like "cannot must have Zi Zhi Li, must Ren..."
i stared at her incredulously. "HOW TO REN. THIS KIND OF THING."
"Can one what!"
a few moments later, she said "Eh actually i also need the toilet..."
"uhh no! i mean for you! so you cannot go."
we quabbled all the way as we went two levels to look for toilet, then rush to get to toilet before each other.
retarded :D
finally, on way to mrt, i whipped out my cam. "LETS TAKE PICS!"
hahaha.. oops? look up. "i forgot! >.<" haha so nvm. we started camwhoring right in the middle of taka. yeah taka, you know where LOADSA ppl walk past? yeah. just look, man. siyi was chao excited. "OK LETS TAKE WITH THIS FLOWER POT", she said. i stared at her. "WHY FLOWER POT!" "YOU SAY TAKE PICTURE MAH TAKE WITH THIS FLOWER POT LOH!" T_T what could i say to that?
she started kneeling next to the flower pot... ppl STARED.
..ok fine i wasnt much better.
she wanted to take with chio girl loh take with chio girl loh (pervert!)
..like me. :D
took a few pics with yellow bg behind... but all not veh successful...
"come, i look SHU NV." haha hence the pose.
yesyes siyi we know..
siyi levitates a ball... MWAHA.
molested innocent young headless models..
tried to make me go pose with young headless HANGING models..
and finally, tried to sell me.
can someone run after her with a chopper now? :D hahah kidding..
famous amos doing well, like always. i know i boliao thank you.
"I saw it first!" haha the woman pales in comparison to our dear Siyi omg.
i went "Eh lets take!" then she just went in and really say take. its kind of creepy, our eyes look blue O.O
=___= who can resist?
hahaha omg stand in front of the faceshop, and pose. cus FACE shop what! haha dont throw tomatoes at me i prefer eggs.
ok that marks the end of the day... my cam was dying.
whee.. not bad (:
shall spend rest of today reading.
in jest; [7:32 PM]
haha, a happy day.
we did what he said we would do: eat and walk around, and it felt great. see our vision Ms:
hahah chio right chio right. we took a few but i liked this the most because of the way its held.
so we ate chicken rice. a very satisfying meal, not just in terms of the food.. with him around, i kept laughing. the not the same kind of laugh when i'm with manhua kuai can, nor when i was with spastics.. felt slightly different. i can't put my finger on it, but it felt nice.
we took like maybe one hour to buy ourselves covers for Vision M, and he got a headset so we can Skype i think thats like chao sweet. We spent another hour at the library laughing. (: I know its the most inappropriate place to have a laughing session in, but i couldn't help it -- this guy didnt want to wait to have his hair cut. (Then i told him to cut at the other shop in Causeway, and he don't want. HAha see so picky..) Haha, so... I laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Stomachache and tears. Haha see he made me cry!
We zao from the library, eventually. He somehow persuaded me go all the way to CCK to make my Ez-link when i could get it at Sembawang.. haha pro you. After he left i remembered i forgot to give him... something. :D Next time then.
But he did give me this.. :D I'm happy. Its chio, and you probably have to enlarge to see, but even so there is something about it that only i will be able to see. :D
For the rest of the day i smiled to myself like some crazy kid.
in jest; [11:12 PM]
daddy's day!
see my family: they are love.
in jest; [7:51 PM]
haha omgomgomgomg. its only half day gone but i'm daaaaamn happy.
1) I drew my dad THIS
its not something awesomely magnificent or blah.. but its something. and i spent qte some time on it. i hope he likes it... (:
2) someone got a Vision; M. x) haha not me laaaa.. someone ^^
wsdtfkjsrk >.< hhaha omgomg chio anot?? i know its nothing compared to you snobbish pianos out there but who cares you can go to hell. haha my dear keyboard is the bomb.
x) $219, at Cristofori. i lugged it aaall the way home, plus the stand. haha its heavy lah can, then the box was so big it was 3/4 my volume. i could hardly walk carrying it =.= who hugs their keyboard home?
so every single person within a 10 m radius turned to stare at me as i painfully made my way past. i took like 300 years to reach home.
=.= haha the pain.. but it was aaaall worth it! haha im chao happy.
in jest; [3:09 PM]
hahah.. ok i've been talking in terms that not everyone would understand. pardon. anyway i promised to blog about the trip.... quite tiring to mention all the details don't you think? besides, i have better things to do... like preparing the father's day prezzie. haha ok so its 2plus in the morning. i'm late. sorry la!
its really late. i think i'll need quite some time. kay, not today kids! tmw. tmw. tmw. tells self: tmw tmw tmw >.< haha ciao.
in jest; [2:45 AM]
Haha today was the happiest day of my life....
So far in this year.
I think the last time i grinned to myself so much was last year in taiwan after we took that neoprint.
No, it had nothing to do with the fact that i was late for DA Debate camp, slept through half of the thing and basically survived till the end of the day.
More of something after that.. I was like, in a foul mood la.. >.< Even though i had my first LRT trip (haha sidetrack omgomg lrts are damn COOL i <3 their windows! haha >.< wth go take! its small and damn cute. im not sua gu ok! my virgin lrt trip la! >.<)
anws... after that i phoned my dad and asked him to come down CCK so that he could fetch me and the family could have dinner tgt. dragged my feet around and stared at the ground, for like very long. haha, i was sad ok!
then then then... ^^ the weather suddenly turned damn nice. i saw x) x) x) x)! haha.. yeah. then i was happy.
simple as that. ^^
aaaaaahhhh >.<
in jest; [2:47 AM]
KERSHENG's blog ^^
01) What is the phone brand? Samsung
02) What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number? why don't ask four! haha ok 722.
03) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say? er, i have to make a LJ account to be able to view your blog? okay.. see about that tonight. (:
04) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M? manchuo lydia lydia (:
05) Who's the last person you rang? Uh. >.< >.< RAHHH.
06) Who was your last missed call from? Daddyyyy
07) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D? DAD. haha..
08) What does the last message in your inbox say? the oldest, by fiona. i think its verrryyy old. haha i kept it!
"i wish i cud hab magic so i kan make a zillions balloons. I'd write your name on each of dem.. n let dem fly all over E world so Tt the world will noe juz how much u meant 2 Mi.."
09)Who comes up under J? jacky, jamie, jane, janice, jaslyn, jasmine, jeffery, jeslin, jessica chow, jessica wong, jiacong, jiahao, jiahui, jiaming, jianhao, jingxun, jnanee, joyce, joy..TO THE WORLD.
10) Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say? haha i dont have sent items, but my 10th inbox msg happens to be kersheng's 10th sent item... so maybe my sent item would be.. the reply to that? haha..
11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S? SHENGNAN, CO.
12) Who's your network provider? singtel too..
13) How many messages are currently in your inbox? 78...... >.< half of those are saved.
14) What do you have as your background? totally black. haha..
15) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R? RITA!
16) Who do you have on speed dial 3? no speed dials either(:
17) If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have? nil!
18) Who's the first person who comes up under C? chaoying, 201 >.<
19) How many bars of signal do you currently have? max too..
20) What do you have as your main ringtone? some random hokkien song but its no use cus my phone is 24 hr silent mode.. haha..
3 schools i went to PAP kindergarten.. haha i duno whats that called. Admiralty Primary.. Does one month in Yuan Zhi University count? haha oh shucks. Currently in RGS then.
3 things in my handbag handphone mp3 wallet haha easy.
3 things i do when i'm stressed Draw, Music, Read
3 places i go to on a daily basis A few blogs, ..Toilet? Uh.. My room =.=
3 favourite fruits pear... i dont like fruits ):
3 names i go by HAHA >.< Lena, Lalalim, Shang Tian Fei
3 of my favourite food oreo mcflurry, doritos, cheese
3 things i'm wearing right now pinafore, blouse, specs
who's in the house with me everyone. haha we had dinner tgt tonight.. how rare.
who am i thinking of right now yeah someone i met on the trip..
who is the last person i talked to on the phone kersheng (:
who did i sit with during my 5th period in class uhhhh.... who arh. haha i think jnanee and no one on the left (:
who was the last person i uttered love to haha ummmmm does it have to be in the person's face?
can dun say? oh nvm uh wait.
there i just did it to my brother mwahahaha..
who do i wish i am with right now YOU. MWAHAHAHHA.
who gets on my nerves most in school haha teachers: guess which?
where is my phone in front of me on my table. its resting, shhh..
where do i sleep i dont sleep. haha ok fine when i do sleep, its either sofa, my own bed, or the mattress in my parent's room.
where is the place i took a ride to uh, to woodlands mart. haha.. then i walked home.
what was the last thing i ate TURTLE MEAT. haha no lah, rice.
what colour shirt am i wearing now haha uhhh blue and white (:
what is the closest item to me that is blue the pinafore i'm wearing.
what do i like most about school the school computer, cause it plays music. recess cause i can draw. after school cause i can stone.. sometimes.
what is my favourite colour blackkkkk ^^
what do i wear most often, jeans or shorts nono i wear hawaiian skirts.
what was the last movie i watched failure to launch (:
when did i start school kindergarten yeah..
when did i last go to the mall yesterday
when did i last burn something haha, my thumb.. a few weeks ago.
PEOPLE TO DO: haha must do both -- uhhhh.. uhh.. uhh. the next three ppl who tags :D
in jest; [9:55 PM]
haha..... im tired.
can i not blog about the trip today?
some other day (:
pretty pls?
i've been doing a bit of thinking these few days, so i decided to do this thing. for those who have no idea, u list 10 ppl and just say what you wanna say.
1. haha, uh. how should i say? i think you are damn cute ^^ yeap, that's it. and, the exclamation mark? the same to you too .. (:
2. this is quite bad. i'm feeling guilty again. i'm not a player so this should not go on any longer. it benefits none of us. pls wake up? its been 3 bloody years. i've tried everything. pls heed my advice and forget every beautiful illusion you've had about us.
3. yeah today was great. i had fun, but it just feels that there is this ridge growing in between us? i dont know if its u have nothing to say to me, or you didnt like the way i was behaving, or what. aiyaaaa im confused.
4. nice talking to you.. appreciate you so much.. (: i can't wait for C-night. i'll contact you, surely (:
5. yeah... you. i've been thinking abit about you a few days ago and how things have turned out. i just.. i dont know. everyone changes, but with you its just different. i'm happier with my life now. i will still think of you now and then but i think after a few more cries i'm better able to move on and leave the memories behind now. some things are just not meant to be. both of us are good this way (: ...and you probably never think about me anyway.
6. i'm back!!! x) -hugs- i missed you too! i've got so much to tell u (: just u wait!
7. u.... i hope you are ok now. sometimes when i hear about your stuff i get a little worried. i mean, i dont hate you. just hope everything turns out great for you. i have not forgotten your two sisters.
8. you were not great, not horrendous. just there. everytime i walk past your house i wonder if i'll see you around, but i never do. just take care alright?
9. I dont know how this might sound... but i might have some bad news for you in future....
10. i'll forget about you. thanks for the false hope though.
Nobody will know the full story so dont say stupid things like "lena is scandalous". Half of these ppl are girls. Sigh, i need to do stuffs now. Tomorrow is DA debate camp. I'm getting all nervous.
in jest; [1:16 AM]
shawn neo sent me this. (: the first time i talked to him was the 4th or 5th day of the trip, i think (: he imitated the whole mr brown thing and i recorded it. its frikking awesome! i'll post it someday (:
this is the persistently non political podcast from the mr brown show. In todays episode, Jeff Lopez, the man and his ideas, goes for lunch.
hello uncle...err...
jiak see me?
er... u have noodles?
Of course got noodle lar, I am the bak chor mee stall!!!
Ok very well. er one bar chor mee pls. mee pok tar, mai hiam.
mee pok tar, dry ar, dun wan chilli ar,
anything else?
er...no thank you.
nah, mee pok tar mai hiam
er...thank you. er...wait wait hang on, this has tur kwa in it.
ya lar, is got tur kwa liver one wad.
but I said I didn't want tur kwa
no u didn't yes I did no u didn't yes I did no u didn't yes I did
No you didn't and I can prove it to you ar…
very well, prove it…
ar ok. u come over here. I show you the cctv camera of my stall
nah, u see? u point to the mee pok, then u say dry, then u point to the chilli, then you shake ur head. u nvr say u dun wan to have the tur kwa!
oh ok. how much is this then?
can see or not huh? can see that you nbvr say dun wan tur kwa? uh? uh uh?
its ok I really dun wan to pursue the matter. how much is my bak chor mee?
u agree or not? that u never say dun wan tur kwa? yan u tell me y u say u tell me u dun wan tur kwa when u didn't arh?
look can we move along now and let me eat?
no no no. u explain to me first.
explain wad?
explain y u say u tell me u dun wan tur kwa when u din say u dun wan tur kwa.
what the? ok ok im sorry ok?
sorry not enuf. u must explain y
explain y wad?
explain y u say u tell me u dun wan tur kwa when u din say u dun wan tur kwa.
k fine. im sorry ok. pls accept my sincere apologies if my actions caused distressed or confusion to you, the bak chor me man. look its onli a few pieces of liver. lets move on.
move on? move on ur see lang tao ar move on. my shop always here, ok? but sorry also must explain.
very well, I am so sorry, I as so sorry that I'd confused you…
sorry also must explain…
the mr brown show and the persistently non political podcast is brought to you by mr brown.com and miyagi. sg with or w/o chilli. thank you.
hahaha.. btw i linked a new friend. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ yayness. -beams- haha -hyperventilates- >.< >.< >.< >.< >.< >.< >.< >.< raaaawwwwrr.
in jest; [11:18 PM]
hey kids, i'm back. totally, man. the trip had been...great! refreshing, insightful, loads of fun, and...stuff. (:
but before i tell you aaaall about ze great london and paris, i shall blog about today, which was spent with 6N rockers. sorry syehyin i couldnt turn up for the bbq.. i wanted to, but the gathering ended too late... ): sorry.
met at j8, went to plaza sing. we sat around, walked around, talking about the old days again.
sophia chong, mr chow, chinese lessons in pr6 and how fungi never handed in his work, chinese lessons in pr 2/3 when i sat next to fungi and just because i held the book upright and it was so large that it covered my face, the teacher accused us of using the book to hide us from talking to each other.
about previous crushes. about michelle teo. xin hui. che jian the big oaf (: WITS people in pr 5 -squeals- eileen even memorised half the class's register numbers.
the good old days.
i sound so aged.
aiya, pics and vids speak a gazillion words (: but.. i think only 6N-ers will be inclined to watch everything. (:
after big improvement dont u think? way to go jianhao ^^
oops no thats not him, thats boon (:
THATS ben, retarded as always (:
the duo, fiona thia and jessica
Eileen prefers the slugs to us. hahaha no lah.
nice slug.
fiona sng: yeaahhh.
zainul the funky jchou lover
silvester. his expression says it all (: darn i didnt take down his e-link photo. its DAMN CUTE x)
erza and her pussy cat
finally, fungi
take a good look at 'em (:
discussion about fries, and....
sil exposed
nth mch, just the boys
stupid ben, talking about me being obsessed with the cam, then chnge topic. another bo liao.
fungi takes out his big thing omgomg
omg fungi and gabriel used to cheat. i can't believe i didnt know.
ZAINUL WAS MY PR ONE LOVER. hahaha no lah kidding. (psst, it was hendry. i used to have a crush on him he was damn cute) the thing is actually i and zainul were partners in pr 1. u know how they always make you hold hands? yeah zainul's embarrassed bout it. (:
watching it i realised i developed a bad habit -- i like to call ppl dumbo.
we finally rmbed dear mr alex.
hahaha wth BENNN
from afar we sighted the fat B who used to occupy fiona's man (im trying to make this as vague as possible), so we rushed to go and see her. just for the thrill of it, because she's fat, ugly and unworthy or anyone. we wanted to see her and then laugh out loud.
and anything that happened after that is classified (actually we dragged her into a cubicle and flushed her head down)... kidding lah. she was actually outside the toilet. i wanted to take a photo of her but failed to. we just walked away, shouting UUUGGLLYYYY to nobody in particular.
so later on we were talking about "if only we could have..." woman, THIS is for you. (i dont know if it violates Utube's terms of use but heck, lets try)
anyway later on we caught The Nun. i took a short video inside the cinema... i think i wasnt supposed to. but its nth much anw it was all dark.
at first sil was soooo against it. haha he was scared out of his wits, pale, crying, peeing in his pants and foaming at the mouth man.
nah no he wasnt. he just refused to watch horror movie, no matter how much any one of us begged him to. we almost watched Cars. HAHAHA erza was "F**K!!!" haha.. but anw in the end silvest conceded. way to go guy! the movie wasnt THAT scary.
ok it wasnt scary at all. it sucked. haha oops? did i tell you not to watch The Nun? noooo (:
later on i got lost twice. once was when they said they were going out, then they went down instead. then we met at the station. after that in the train i met Bo Ya who was back from CO.. i was so excited so i kept talking to her while they made their way to the last cabin. haha then when i turned they werent there. so i alighted. then Eileen came back to get me. then we talked about Edmund, Xu Bin..... guys. (: And Eileen is teaching K2 tuition. how cool is that??? MUM AND DAD, I WANA GET A JOB ):
aiyaaaa.. today was awesome even though i didnt get to say bye to all u guys (:
i'm leaving for London and Paris soon. my luggage bag is large, but not large enough. there are still so many things unpacked. Things that i really must bring, but cannot.
.. Man Hua Kuai Can, do have a good camp. (: have lotsa fun, take lotsa pics, and dont miss me! hahaha i know you wont.
in jest; [1:49 AM]
me and chen went to watch myRIad many days ago, by of course RI. it was fabulous. (: i especially liked the choir.. and CO second song.. but the others were wonderful too don;t worry (: the finale was ze bomb man. ~It's A Small World After All~~ !
i secretly took some pics even if it wasnt allowed. successfully using my bag as an obstruction for the women who kept looking to see if we were holding cams, i snapped a few shots before my cam went flat. i even took some voice reccordings! chen took down the Harmonica and piano solo (song in ff8 Eyes On Me) , which was beautiful.
weu weet chen!
huiwen and yingjie, with whom we went to the concert
even though RI was the ultimate, our day was thoroughly spoilt by some girl who didnt know to watch her mouth or should i say, didnt WANT to watch her mouth. it was damn pissifying she's an attention seeker lah. unlike her, i keep things discreet and do not embarrass people in public, so i will not name her. lets call her "S" instead. (: so next time when i talk about her its "S", ok?
anyway after tha concert we went to taka and met up hiok, followed by nic and sebastian (i think).. then went around. i rejected my father's lift to stay with them ok! =.= anyway we were bitching to the guys about a this person named "V"m and listening to them talk. haha.. then they wandered around Wisma looking for this "chio girl" that they spotted earlier on. =.=
the search for The Chio Girl, yes. but it failed anyway. we ended up hanging around outside the centre talking for damn long.
by the time i reached home later on, then my anger was dissipated. "S".
in jest; [1:33 AM]
i have an infectious laugh.
i do!
i can remember all the times i faced this super lame joke, and that was just it. i started laughing, and laughing, and laughing. "like a machine gun", they said.
and something about my laughter makes people laugh. so they just call me to shuddup. upon which i will laugh even harder. and they will started laughing a lot too.
sometimes, they beg me to stop laughing. and thats the worse. cause i will laugh for a good 3 more minutes if you say that.
it doesnt happen just around anyone.. cause it depends on the people you are with.. it used to happen at home.. but no longer. it used to happen during CO also.. the practices. it was so amusing.. but it can no longer happen again either. and, it used to happen sometimes with the Spastics. well i still do laugh with chenhoon but i think thats it.
so now.. it's at SPH every week. i really really treasure these times with them. for two years plus in school, i've felt that most people around me think i am a fool, because i waste my life away on drawing. i draw, and draw, and draw. everything's art to me. everything about my life is art.
and somehow people just can't grasp that. lately, this year, i've felt this loneliness even more.
until i met the group. it's wonderful. you don't have to ask how much each other loves drawing.. we just know everyone there is the same in one way. different in many, but truly united because of one big similarity, and the most important one too. we are special.
when with these people, i feel like the happiest i do in all week. it takes away my mind from school, from irritating people, from everything else. i want to say that i feel truly happy with you guys. the laughter proves it. no, really.
peixuan goes "NO, DON'T START LAUGHING AGAIN," like once every 3 minutes. i think you guys will just have to bear with me. i like you all too much. (: too much.
just like art.
when i read something, i imagine how the scene would be like and how it can be drawn out. when i hear the word draw, sketch, art, photography or design, my ears perk up and i can throw away everything on my hands just to go have a look. when i see an exceptionally beautiful scene, all i can think is how great it would look on paper or computer.
when people get more exposure or contact with art, i'm jealous. superbly jealous. very jealous, till the point i cry.
all my life i only knew to learn on my own how to draw and then marvel at the works of others. i was born with it. it was from my dad, but yes i learnt on my own everything. since i was seven i was drawing sailormoon on the birthday cards for my dad. hahaha..
Jiahao described it very very well. "we are born to be create" it might sound very like BIG and eoistic.. but i really like that phrase. somehow, it strikes something within me. i can't place my finger on it.
the day when i no longer can do art, which i think will be a few years from now, shall be the day i die.
in jest; [1:11 AM]
I pon-ed chinese tuition today. Standing before the stairs leading to the centre, i turned away and walked in the opposite direction, towards the bookshop. I went one full circle around the shelves in the shop, then picked out a pencil, an eraser, and a sketchpad.
After paying for it, and i stepped back out into the dark (it was 7.30pm) and squinted. There were benches EVERYWHERE, but most seemed to be occupied. Those things are helluva uncomfortable anyway. After much contemplation and stepping around, i settled for the stoop at the side of the open area.
I sat down, and started drawing immediately. I was in the midst of sculpting my "hot guy", when someone yelled "that girl there writing!"
startled, i looked up and squinted again. there was this middle-aged malay man who was half-naked, swaggering towards me. i can't believe this, but i looked at him calmly. standing in front of me, he said something along the lines of something like "you sit here mysfdsjk writing."
I blinked. And stared, and blinked, and blinked. Huh? Then he launched into this 2 minute talk about blinking.
"..i talk to you no dfkdsfkljd blink your eyes. efsdfdasj blink, blink blink. dflkfsjf no blink ndklfdgjkf.."
.....HUH? i didn't mean to, but i just didnt understand what he was saying so i blinked LA.
"huh?" i finally asked.
then, like someone patiently explaining something to a kid, he repeated his words. "ahedsfdkjkld blink no you dfjksdkj blink. you ekfjljsdr sitting here write write jsladkjsd my wdsfkjdskl."
i was thinking "oh shit this is gonna be hard."
finally, after listening to him for another 5 minutes, i roughly got his meaning. his words were repeated.
"fsrfkl sitting here write write (gesturing to everything else) about this this this dfkljs no why write about MY STORY. (points to self) ME flkjasdklfdas;fds.."
so i think he had a story to tell.
"fklfgadklsraskdlfjrffslkjgkdgj dklfjsaklghe kkdlsfjrksalgn dselktghf akddkfjfskbg r HUMAN RIGHTS dsflksjks the people dafjsdkfleja P talk talk talk sfgjdkj no want edjfsj PAP, worker's party kdf talk talk no i dlkfsj HUMAN RIGHTS. i fsdklf human rights jkdfjsar but human rights skjfhds (gesticulating wildly)i adddfa human rights!"
ohhhkay.... i think that was his introduction.
he went on to mention things like, him as a singapore dfksdk, then a lot of "human rights", then he pointed to a random family of people walking past and shouted about them being indian and he singaporean, and then "human rights" again, and then "MY STORY." he mentioned again "push me there" and things like "you people get money dfsjdkf just (pointing to random people again) dsfjks", and things like "you educated you can write.. i cannot"
and he also tried to give an explanation for him being topless, i think. but i couldnt understand it.
"dffklsd i take off my shirt! but i no take off my pants dsfjdaskjsgf there womens around here (pointing again) sdfkjdk dlkfs dsf HUMAN RIGHTS."
"i see you girl djfskl sitting here ajsdkl write fksgfk thing thing why not dsflkjs MY STORY. (kept pointing at me) dflkjkfg MY STORY. ahhh. there write sdkjfdsk me. my story. (pointing to people, himself, and me randomly)"
so i sat there listening to him patiently, nodding my head and giving him eye contact. i think people like him simply needs people to listen to. if he had anything substantial to say, someone who can really write might even be good for him.
"dfsd LEE HSIEN LOONG." he said, loudly. "dfkld I WANT HIM TO LEARN, FROM ME. fksdjklsd dfklsd."
i was slightly stunned here, but nodded to him anyway. he went away and i breathed a sigh of relief. he returned briefly to shout a few lines, then went away stumbling slightly. i think he may have been drunk. =.=
as he harrassed other passers-by, i made my escape, and ran off to macdonalds instead.
"that, was my retribution." i thought, queueing for my mcflurry. the funny thing was that, i was thinking all the while, i wasnt even writing =.= and he wanted me to write HIS story??
loving to draw involves sacrifices, indeed. today was so amusing.
in jest; [12:46 AM]
Today was the competition at SPH, and i freaked out BIG TIME. haha i dont know what's up with me la.. i sang the song repeatedly last night.. and this morning i felt great.
Its the room, i tell you. It's the scariest place i've ever walked into. There were directions what to do, and there was an "X" you had to stand on and SING in front of like, 10 people and a photographer? >.< >.< wl!!!! i freaked out la i breathed in, breathed out, breathed in again, sang halfway and stopped. for good.
The guy was really nice about it but it doesnt change the fact that THEY ARE SCARY. T_T
Ok i shall stop that. The conversation went like that:
Guy: I'm not going to eat you! Ok, would you like to tell me why you are so nervous? Me: (in a barely audible voice) Uh.. Because.. this.. I.. then.. very scared lo.. Guy: Ok you take a deep breath, calm yourself down. Would you like to choose another song by a female artist, and start afresh? Me: .... Guy: Ok what songs do you usually listen to? Me: Songs by male singers? Guy: Ok so who's your favourite singer? Me: Uh, (randomly taking one from the long list) Jay Chou? Guy: Ok so why dont you sing something from Jay Chou? Me: UHHHHHHH. (thinking: Shit shitshitshit what?!?! YI FU ZHI MING?! GUI JI OH NO SHIT I FORGOT HOW TO SING GUI JI OMG DIE.) UHHHHHHHH.. Guy: Ok you need some time? Me: huh? Guy: as in you need some time to think about your song, and then come back here? Me: oh you mean i go out and return? Guy: yah maybe after the next person or whenever you feel comfortable! Me: ok! thanks >.< sorryyyyyy (repeatedly)
I walked away, feeling flushed and dizzy. As the door closed behind me, i heard the comments that they did not bother keeping from me.
"She is too nervous already!" "Yah, cannot, that's not her true potential.." "Too nervous and so when she was singing you could see...."
Blah. I don't care if i could get a second chance anymore, i was not going back in there. For the first ten minutes i paced around trying to think of a song. Why, oh why did i never bother learning to sing my favourite songs? Even for the songs which i could sing, i could not sing in key.
Shitshitshit. The next person came out. Then someone else went in. Then she came out. Someone went in again. I was still pacing around. The someone came out.
Ok, im not going in there again, i decided.
So no matter what everyone else said i never stepped on that X again. "It's a NIGHTMARE, i told them."
There were some pretty good ones.. Nice voice. Yay jiayou for semi finals! x) i'll be back to watch you guys (:
Lydia went for a second chance.. I really admire her courage. You go girl! Don't let anything falter your love for singing i am beeehinddd youuuuu!!! ^^
Sigh yup so that was it. i think i was the only person who did that. hahahah PRO NOT. wl it was really scary... but a great new experience. how many people get soemthing like that?? hahaha.. and it was with manhua ppl also..
unforGETtable.. rock on. (:
in jest; [11:19 PM]
if you're as bored, and as hyped up about brokeback mountain as me (that you will google "brokeback mountain" on every decent search engine you can get your hands on) even up till now, you'd probably have seen this:
its Google video, another production following BBM -- milder, though (: "A raw, powerful story of two hack standup comedians who meet and form an unorthodox yet life-long bond--by turns ecstatic, bitter and conflicted" --BrokeHack Mountain, Siegel Productions
Anyway its by this other standup comedian Dave Siegel, go check him out! >> webbie. I havent watched his gigs yet so i dunno if he's good or not. Great, i won't stain your judgement of someone i introduce, for once.
i miss russell peters T_T if you haven't already heard of the one and only oh-wonderful Russell Peters (omg poor soul!), HERE are his videos. after half a year in 309, i realised that he aint that widely heard of, afterall. lol, must spread the love. no fun doing RP talk if ppl around me don't get it. (: he's Da Bomb man, but brace yourselves: These are at least 45 minutes long each (:
Be a man, do the right thing. WATCH THESE.
(alternative, go google videos and search russell peters (: )
45-minute Canadian TV special
New York Live 58 min
in jest; [12:32 AM]
ok oh shit i'm plain bored.
heres some lifeleash while i upload all my shit from my phone so that i can clear up some memory space..
just a few all-time favs.. recalled some of the best jokes i've read from FHM, so i proceeded to look for online resources. :) note: contains mature content and might offend.
1. After years of milking cows with the traditional stool-and-squirt method, Farmer Giles finds he has enough money to order a high-tech milking machine. The equipment arrives a few days later and, realising his wife is out for the day, decides to test the machine on himself first. After setting it up, he quickly eases his beef bayonet into the equipment and flicks the switch. The sucking teat pleasures him better than his wife ever could, but when it's over the machine will not release his member. In desperation, the farmer calls the Customer Service Hotline. "Hello," he winces, "I've just bought a milking machine from your company. It works fantastic, but, er, how do I remove it from the cow's udder?"
"Don't worry." Replies the rep. "The machine will release automatically once it's collected two gallons."
2. An extremely wealthy 80-year-old arrived for his annual check-up and smiled when the doctor enquired about his health. "Never better," he announced proudly. "I've taken an 18-year-old bride, and she's pregnant. What do you think of that?" The doctor considered this for a moment, then said, "I once knew a guy who was an avid hunter. One day he slept in, and in the subsequent rush, he dashed out with his umbrella instead of his rifle." "Go on, doc," said the old-timer "Deep in the woods, he faced a huge, angry bear, raised his umbrella, pointed it at the bear, and squeezed the handle. And do you know what happened?" Dumbfounded, the old codger shook his head. "The bear fell dead in front of him." "That's impossible," exclaimed the old man in disbelief. "Someone else must have been doing the shooting." Sighing, the doctor gave his patient a friendly pat on the back. "That's what I'm getting at."
3. Following a nasty car accident, a man's wife slips into a coma. After spending weeks at her bedside, the husband is summoned to the hospital. "It's amazing" says the Doctor, breathlessly. "While bathing your wife, one of the nurses noticed she responded to her breasts being touched." The husband is very excited, and asks what he can do. "Well," says the doc, "if one erogenous zone provokes a response, perhaps the others will too." So the husband goes alone into the room, where he slips his hand under the covers and begins to massage her bits. Amazingly, the woman begins to move and even moan a little. The man tells the doctor, waiting outside. "Excellent!" he says. "If she responds like that to your finger, I think you should try oral sex." Nodding, the husband returns to the room - but within minutes the heart monitor alarms go off, and the medics pile into the room. "What happened?" shouts the doctor, as he checks the prone woman's pulse. "I'm not sure," replies the man, looking sheepish. "I think she choked."
4. A man goes into a gun shop for a telescopic rifle sight. The assistant takes one out, points out the window and says: "This baby is so good, you can see right into my house on that hill way over there." The man looks through the sight at the house and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" asks the assistant. "Well, I can see a naked man chasing a naked woman around your house," replies the customer. Snatching the 'scope back, the assistant cranes his eye through the sight and sure enough, there is his wife, naked, being hotly pursued by an excited young man. Furious, the assistant says to the man, "If I give you two bullets, will you blow my wife's head off with one and take the man's dick out with the other? I'll give you the telescopic sight for free if you do." "Okay," the man says, as he takes out his rifle and attacks the sight. Taking a quick look through it before loading, he hands one bullet back. "You know what?" he says. "I think I can do this with just one shot."
5. A man is strolling past a lunatic asylum when he hears a loud chanting. "Thirteen! Thirteen! Thirteen!" goes the noise form within the mental hospital's wards. The man's curiosity gets the better of him and he searches for a hole in the security fence. It's not long before he finds a small crack, so he leans forward and peers in. Instantly, someone jabs him in the eye. As he reels back in agony, the chanting continues: "Fourteen! Fourteen! Fourteen!"
i don't think anybody would really wanna see FHM? but i'm just citing my source.
L : You always make other people smile when you smile (EH LAUGH THEN INFECTIOUS LA. smile....) E : You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people (beams) N : your love is unforgettable (=.= isn't that bad? esp if you like, fall out of love? or you mean my love life will be great?) A : YOU'RE A HOTTIE (=___= just listen to the roar of protests)
L I :Love is what u are deeply in (well...) M : You are handsome, and sexy (i don't know whether i should continue with this thing....)
S :People think you are so sexy (i actually think this is God's signal to say i really should NOT..) H : You have very good personality and looks (oh what the heck) A N G : You are very friendly and undestanding (....)
F:People totally adore you (...) E I
Examine YOUR name!
A : YOU'RE A HOTTIE B : you are loved by alot of ppl C : you're wild and crazy D : You have trouble trusting people E : You are always fun when it comes to meetingnew people F:People totally adore you G : You are very friendly and undestanding H : You have very good personality and looks I :Love is what u are deeply in J : Everyone loves you K : You like to try new things L : You always make other people smile when you smile M : You are handsome, and sexy N : your love is unforgetable O : You love foreplay P : You are very friendly and understanding Q :You are a hypocrite R: Someone loves you S :People think you are so sexy T : You are one of the best in love U : You are really chill V: Your friendliness attracts people W : You are very broad minded X : You never let people tell you what to do Y : you make every experience great Z : You're Super cool
....In conclusion, i shall say that the more letters of the alphabet you have in your name... the better looking, or the more popular you are. =.=
in jest; [10:56 PM]
Dear People Who Actually Likes Lord of The Flies and everyone else,
I want to express my utmost admiration and awe for the guys who not only finished the entire book, understood its contents, and LIKED IT. You are immortal. You have achieved a feat that is impossible for me to reach.
I, for one, zoned out right after the 3rd page into the first chapter. In order to make myself forget and recover from the nasty experience of trying to reading LOTF, i borrowed from the library this book called Bling, which is really 446 pages about a black girl who went through life becoming a hip-hop princess and continuing her life from there. As cliche as the plot may sound, the content turned out to be something entirely new for me, and the deadpan humor that layered the story was refreshing too. It was a book that i thoroughly enjoyed. Bling served its purpose well -- in these few days in which i was supposed to be frantically reading and annotating LOTF, i have remorselessly finished Bling. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not regret to say that i will not, in fact, be finishing LOTF at all!
You see, people, in two days' time i will be leaving for London and Paris, the latter in which i will settle permanently, and never return to Singapore ever again. I am sorry to have to do this, but i really do dread the prospect of returning to school in a few weeks' time to have to go through a whole gruelling semester of Literature lessons aaall about LOTF.
Sorry for the departure, my dears, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
This letter not only delivers my farewell but also aims to recommend to you Bling, the book which will become the last that i have finished reading in Singapore and enjoyed immensely. It includes some scenes that are sexually explicit, though.
Ok, i must go attend to my luggage now. Please do not miss me, and remember to send me your tearful farewells before its too late. Take care and good bye!
With lots of love, Lena
in jest; [9:58 PM]
ok i'm in a very, very, very, very foul mood right now.
my fat ass of a brother went to tell on me again, right after i bought him longjohn's, a packet of cheese rings, a comic book and 5 packets of crackers.
=.= then, i tried connecting me phone to my retarded computer and it won't bloody work. just like the previous phone.
so sick lah pls. so as usual, i'm not at my computer. i'm typing away on dad's PC, installing Samsung Studiowhatever, hoping it will work on this comp. If it does, my mood will improve very immensely, indeed. (: you'll see why.
in jest; [9:26 PM]
are you looking for something?
have you always been searching for a particular item? maybe a song that you have heard a few years ago on tv? you never found out the song title, and you never heard that song again. it was only once, but it had left an impression so deep on you that you have never been able to forget.
for all these years now, i have been asking around.. to see if someone else even heard of it.. but it seems that nobody could help.. finally, thanks to siyi.
it was the same with Guan Huai Fang Shi. i couldnt remember when i heard it.. all the memory i had of it were bubbles and Chen Han Wei's smile.. Haha.. So i went around singing it to myself. Until i went to Taiwan Trip.
And.. Qiu Tian De Tong Hua: Summer Snow. It seemed that nobody around me watched it.. I missed the song so much.. I could not stop thinking about the girl and the two guys. Only recently i heard the midi. I almost cried.
Lastly.. Wei Xiao Bao. Haha.. I guess its more popular. But still nobody knows what i'm on about whenever i recite the poem. I miss the days whereby everybody in primary school watched it and when we get together in school we happily recite the poem in unison at the top of our voices, or laugh when somebody uses "biang biang shen". i want the song.. T_T
The song i was talking about, that Siyi helped to find.. All these years i've only remembered one or two separate words from the lyrics, and the tune of the chorus. Whenever i hummed it to myself, in my mind appears this image of the few guys strumming the guitar at night by the beach. Sammi Wong was the female lead, and she was watching.. It was a moving scene... Kinda.