i was just bored. there has been countless of times i go out at night and can't help wishing i could capture the moment right there and then. inevitably nightfall is the favourite time of the day for many people, just like how some prefer a rainy day over a sunny one.
i don't know about you guys, but i think the concept goes along the line of what we coin "romance". "sentimental", "provocating", "lovely", whatever you call it. things like that just draw on the softer side in us, don't they?
i decided to come up with what i thought would make romantic (:
Ten Romantic Elements 1.Almost complete darkness, preferably in nighttime 2.Lights in appropriately small amounts, intensity and locations. 3.Rain, preferably the heavy kind instead of the drizzly kind. 4.Privacy.. apparently when i say this i don't mean you should be ALL ALONE, of course. What will you do, kiss yourself? Oops! Haha.. 5. Optional: Music of appropriate genre. If things like Chinese New Year songs can make you tear and feel romantic too, well whatever makes you happy. 7. Temperature.. Oh YES its important. For me the ideal temperature range would be 20 to 30 degrees celcius. (: no i'm not weird. (: 8.The Relationship. Things will never get romantic even if you have all of the above if you are in company of your two year old sister. 9. The Mood. You can't be focussing your thoughts on the Iraq war or tomorrow's Chess competition. 10. Awareness. I like people who are situationally aware. You need to know that you are IN A ROMANTIC SITUATION. x)
Ten Romantic Places (i think) [the unifying criteria is that all must be at night time] 1. A beach. 2. A jetty 3. A sports stadium stadium 4. A basketball court 5. A school (deserted) 6. A Car 7. Driving on a looong deserted lighted road 8. A swimming pool 9. The wilderness (not too dirty or infested with bugs) 10. Top floor of some building
hmm, although many of the places i have just listed coincidentally seem to be ideal spots to do all the dirty stuff that men want to do, i assure you romance is not about this. To prove my point, i made this list.
Ten Places In Which You Can Get Excited And Do Obscene Things But Are Not Romantic 1. A bedroom 2. A hotel 3. Your boss's office 4. A classroom (even though a school is romantic, i mean the surroundings and not the classroom) 5. HDB Staircase 6. A park 7. Pub 8. A cinema 9. HDB Void deck 10. Dark alleys
... See. Don't mix up settings of your sick fantasies with the next place your girlfriend would like her birthday to spent at.
i repeat, i was just bored. (: Here's another comic from CAD.
in jest; [8:38 PM]
it doesnt pay to be nice to MY brother, i tell you, it doesnt.
-gives dark look-
i can't count the number of times i've played with him out of goodwill, and ended up with him running to my mum in tears complaining about how i hurt his finger or toenail, or bought him something he asked for and instead of getting thanks in reply, find out that he gave it away or lost it the next day.
kids, can never understand them.
two days ago i brought him to the library and lent him my card for borrowing. then i brought him to Mos Burger, a fast food restaurant he had now seen that is not Macdonalds or KFC, and gave him a treat. He loved it, come on. Then i brought the brat round Causeway Point shopping, and then to Comics Connection whereby i got him the $7.50 Pokemon comic book that he wanted.
this afternoon i came out of the room to find that Dad had bought him this Pokemon Sticker Book in which there are slots for every pokemon sticker you are supposed to collect.
"Your brother said you didn't buy this for him," Dad said
"But i didn't even SEE that thing!" i protested
"Said it's too expensive or something," he continued.
"He never TOLD me he wanted it!" i almost yelled.
Ass. It almost seemed as if he asked for the sticker book but i didn't have enough money so i got him the comic book instead. But my parents knew i kinda had a lot of money with me, so it's even worse -- they'd think i didnt WANT to spend so much on my brother. The kid's guts!
"He's just using it as an excuse for you to buy it for him!" i talked to my father's retreating back view.
When he was out of sight, i turned back on my brother, who was trying his best to avoid my glare, and narrowed my eyes. As i sat down for breakfast, i spoke in the most normal tone i could manage.
"I'm never taking you out or buying you stuff again," and then i muttered "Asshole."
He feigned indifference, but that was fine with me. I finished my food as fast as i could and walked away from the dining table, thinking: "He's unbelieveable!"
Of course in my heart i knew i could never mean that statement i said -- i was just trying to make him feel bad for what he did, like i always do. I never know if he does, i just want to let him know what he did was wrong... There are still so many places with good food and stuff that i wanna bring him to!
Sigh, what can i say. I love and hate this brat with equal fervour.
in jest; [2:10 PM]
to those who may be familiar with Windows Visual Styles and Shells etc, i may seem damn stupid, but i just wanna announce that i finally got my FIRST visual style theme! x)
x) x)
mwahaha. its not the prettiest, and it's not as wonderful as Shell themes, but hey its something!
For those who's going "what the devil are you talking about?", these stuff are just things that you install onto your comp to give it a whole new look. (: its not just about changing desktop icons or window colours, although it includes all that. if you spend practically your whole life on your computer, you'll find that its good to change desktop themes once in a while.
haha, anyway i'm soo going to register style XP. its expensive for its function, but ok for a program. maybe when i'm really sure, i'll get the builder too. x)
ok enough with my gibberish. now how bout something everyone (should) understands?
new comic source! check out their homepage at Ctrl+Alt+Del! Gamers' comics, i call 'em!
that strip was from January. you can go read up, but probably i'll still post one or two strips i like ^^
i wanted to blog about Myriad but i'm tired. =.= oops. tomorrow then. To end off, i would like to announce my latest obsession. After Deathnote. (:
ok, i now its a tad late, my reaction to this totally awesome manga series(and i say this even though i've read only book 1!).. but still better late then never soo.. i only have the first book now, but you'll see it won't be long BEFORE I (and there she goes again) get every single book in the Bleach manga series, watch the whole anime that is already in my bro's comp, and eventually DOMINATE THE WHOLE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. (=_____="") -ignores any weird face you are making- x) bleach! lol.
in jest; [12:22 AM]
its your elegy. to be carved into your abysmal quality rock tombstone.
Dear Sir Knight XXX, Schwer! Minable, bakaa, bendan, paagal
despair beyond despair tears beyond our years
below this grave lies a dave the grass grows wild as was this child
ring the bells bring cockleshells away in the dirt the 'farmer' flirts
ring the glass bring d.o.m to fast for he was a du- du he didnt live by the rules
He was our north he was our south our policies we couldn't croach but ahoy kids, we have our coach!
this was not written by me.. but anyway its an inside thing you will never understand. . . unless you're in rgdebates, of course x)
in jest; [11:43 PM]
yet, on a lighter note, i get to do THIS (:
say BYE to these
and HELLOOO paradise! ^^
mwahHAHAHAHA.. i'm not weird, i just love reading. (:
anyway, let's post some pictures.
we will miss this handwriting.
class DC-- dilligently wiping class twirlies (:
"so where shall we go? -grin-"
minutes later....
our friend of singa :D
-.- "take my photo" -.-
animation of siyi outside staffroom. :DD i got another set, but lazy to string. lol. I AM NOT BOLIAO OK.
here are videos of our wonderful debate juniors (: the elergy
they are DAMN CUTE. x) wl!!!
this is right before the debate.. (:
i've got a video of jocelyn's speech~ -sings- haha jocelyn might want it.
as zhixin calls it, the debate population (:
hug! >.<
livia, who finally turned up, provided lotsa support. (: <3!
phoo.. zhixin and i bought them lil penguin keychains that reminded us of them. kawaii desu! mwahaha. tgdebate sectwos PWN! pwn pwn pwn pwn >.< those who have blogs are rachel and livia (: give them lotsa lotsa <3!
in jest; [9:46 AM]
School's out, and the last days were bitter sweet -- the way life and many other things are.
We had the last philosophy lesson with Mrs. Mao. Joan Chan Shu Fang passed away. Then we went back to work on our Lit Pt. I didn't sleep. We finally handed in our Literature PT and i feel like i've just been released from prison. It was the last Biology lesson with Ms Ang. I stood outside the lab peeping at the class talk to her. We did class DC -- wiping dusty shelves and cupboards. We went to Plaza Sing and decomposed there. Then we dragged our rotten selves to Bishan where the Youth14 debate finals were held. We lost, but its ok. We love the sec twos. (: Then i went home, hit the bed and blacked out.
Everything has come to an end.
in jest; [9:14 AM]
what do you normally listen to?
i'm not referring to genres of music -- pop, jazz, blah. nor am i asking about language -- cpop, jpop, etc..
what the hell am i talking about? well.. recently, i've taken a liking to UFM1003. ^^
here, take a look: homepage they are more than just a radio station! ^^ <3 <3 i totally dig their blog and multiply sites!
every morning, they deliver jokes and these interesting news that i would never imagine hearing from somewhere else. every night they talk to you or conduct things like what i'm listening to now. if you're interested, they have this Music Marathon every tuesday night whereby you can call in and sing a song based on the theme set! ^^ its daamn cute.
aiyah, maybe is i suagu.... as in, i never used to even listen to radio in the past. i liked to just gather this beeeg collection of my favourite songs and then blast them in my ears 10 hours a day..
then i realized that listening to radio is an equally, if not more, enjoyable experience! you have DJs to keep you company while you do your work, and it keeps you entertained.. it provides some company and comfort in knowing you are not alone. ^^ you can interact with the DJs through sms, so its so not one-sided..
aiyah. just sharing lah. ufm1003, definitely (one of) my latest crazes.
in jest; [7:59 PM]
to follow up on my previous post (just scroll down two posts), here are more pictures from the set that the email miss out. (: it turns out that Mighty Illusions have these after all, and this was from there. Anyways, here is the guy's website; go visit him to see more!! x)
anyway, three-niners will know this -- its school time and i'm sitting at home in front of the computer with a red nose and a headache.
timely indeed. very timely. i wonder what lesson they are having now..
-scrambles for timetable- ahh.. i see, mathematics. i feel your pain, guys.
haha no lah. ): its only one day two hours and i think i miss them already. anyway i want to congratulate RGdebates secondary twosOnce Again. they beat CHIJTPY and got into finals! they were brilliant i tell you.. regretfully i did not get any snapshots of the debate, but..i did manage to catch pretty rachel unawares. (:
Anyway, time for random photo posting. (: FINALLY.
One day, i was innocently sitting in the classroom minding my own business (ok no i wasnt i was harrassing Leeqi with my camera :)), when suddenly Leeqi pounced on me and within seconds she took out my whole shoelace. =.=
she just HAD to throw my shoelace across the classroom. Melissa caught it, and looked what happened to my shoelace after that.
=.= here is the culprit no, HERE is the culprit. she even threatened to COLOUR IT BLUE ok. =.= i will remember you, melissa ooi.
anyway, that aside, i did tell you i finally got my IC rights! x) x) MWAHAHAHAHA.
hmm, gt nth much liao. to end off, i shall show you guys the 203th thing 309ers did that makes them the Retarded Class. (: speakers on!
and Behold, the Big Chase.
it continues....
and thats what it ended with. pretty soon after Ali and Roawawa leave you can stop because behind's nothing much...
by the way, before you go, i need help with two things. =.= 1) i've been trying to install comments into this layout... help anyone?? 2) whoever have sites that give GOOD updated info on international relations, gimme gimme gimme! x) thanks!
in jest; [9:07 AM]
there is a reason its one of my favourite blogs.. (:
they are.. breathtaking. not the scenic captures of sunrise or sunset, dear, but these.
they are the most beautiful things i have seen in a long time. i think i shall have amazing dreams tonight (:
in jest; [8:51 AM]
Mighty Illusions might like these. These are in an email from Paul! ^^
Amazing chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Scroll down slowly and stop at each new frame. Incredible!!!!! Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium . Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion. Keep in mind that each drawing is totally one dimensional!(FLAT on the pavement).
the image above has been taken at a wrong angle remember that in reality both his feet are on the ground.
his drawing A Rescue was to be viewed using an inverting mirror