oohh let me add on.
yknow i passed my math? O.O -does wtf sign- omfg!!! ahaha.. ok i know i seriously shouldnt make myself sound so damn lousy, but i'm genuinely happy lah! i mean like judging by how confused i usually am in everyday math lessons and by how i neither finished my revisions papers nor studied, a 70% grade is pretty dang good.
ahah. ahahha. yesterday i knew i passed cause i went to ask mr. teo. =P but when i saw the mark i went into bouts of bounciness all over again. i even went up to mr. ng and gt him to bounce w/ meeee =D {long story}
grahah. anyway my dad just phoned to say that he lost the diamond on his ring so ima go round e house searching for it now. ciaos.
remind me to mug.
in jest; [8:15 PM]
ive classified RGS girls into three main families.
Family 1 = those that spend their time mugging
Genus 1 = PROded results, guaranteed plus chop.
Family 2 = those that spend their time doing anything but mugging
Genus 2 = They survive anyway, even though i dont knw hw
Genus 3 = They get good enough grades anyway, 'cause they are smart in that way.
Family 3 = those that spend their time both mugging and playing
Genus 4 = They get average results
Genus 5 = They get results almost as PRO as those in Genus 1.
and after this, i came up with a Genus 6, especially for myself. those that spend 1/3 of the time playing, 1/3 of the time making homework resolutions, and 1/3 of the time breaking homework resolutions. i think Species Lena hails from Family 2 or 3... i'm not sure. shall have to look into that.
i'm trying to relate my life to topics in school.. how despo is that? today in jap class, i made math equations in terms of x and jap words. =) so anyway joy was telling how sitting with me resulted in her being called on by the teacher thrice in 5 mins... come lets attempt to draw a number-of-times-joy-is-called vs time graph......
T_T im going bonkers. someone turn me mugger.
tmw's SS. joy's mugging is driving me crazy. help. save me.
by the way, i hate my limited vocab. i mean, it was enough to last me up till now... or do i hate those irritating ppl who can never stop showing off their wealth of vocab?
in jest; [7:16 PM]
btw. check these beauties out.
in jest; [4:50 AM]
nice life.
nice and non screwed up life.
in jest; [3:56 AM]
you knw the way like after a loss it takes you a hella long time before the pain really goes out of view?
like, i dont knw.. like hw it happened tht other time.. ....and nw tht i think abt it.
its nt pain.. is it? i dont knw. theres still sth there. sme hole tht it used to take up. and over 3 yrs its still there.
so u knw wht? i think this time this bigger one is here to stay.
haha, "it will go away?"
who was i kidding man.
i hate my life.
in jest; [10:13 PM]
relationships between people. how they fluctuate. the irony in contrasting views. memories you need to claw at as a desperate attempt to forget. blah blah blah.
so tired of this. oh stop reminding me. the funny thing is that, i always think i am expressing myself. but in reality, nobody knows what i am talking about. not even myself. the mind is such a complicated thing that, if i were to be able to hold it in my hands like it was something tangible, it would explode due to the too many things it was witholding.
hah.. hahaha.. empty words. empty smses. empty emails. empty sounds. empty mouthing. empty smiles. empty gazes. empty everything.
what really means what? and when people blog about their lives, for example if i were to blog about the class's fighting fish right now, what is the actual meaning in fact?
to recall upon the day's events? for what?
to reflect? that would be nice..
to.. preserve the memory? nice try.
blah blah blah.
empty words.
in jest; [12:15 AM]
sigh. below posted is mass swim photos.
darn tired now. omg all my desktop contacts r online. lol so rare.
sigh. besides the point. i really kan't wait for the whole episode in school to be over. ms ang's leaving, and i really just wanna concentrate on a good farewell party fer her.
so tht siyi will be happy too.
kinda down now.
lately i developed this habit. it's kinda to prevent me from falling into bouts of depression...
cause i'm really afraid. i'm no longer the little girl who likes to wallow in self-pity and enjoy being depressed and all that. i wanna remain bouncy and whichever way i am now.
so i started giving myself pep talks. so maybe its really common for other people, but yeah i'm slow in this kind of way. i listed all the things that were bothering me, frankly and straight out. thn i went down the list, and spoke positively about each item. i don't knw hw i did tht. i just did. and miraculously it worked. i mean, if i were some1 else, i wud probably brush it off and say sth like "yeah... thx.." but dont really get encouraged anyway. whn i do it to myself.. wow, amazing results. why, man.
i'm tempted to try it now.
i'm really down.
really really down.
i can't think whats troubling me now, but if i tried i could probably list out everything.
thing is, i don't feel like trying.
in jest; [10:41 PM]
believe me whn i say its hereditary.
'cause if we assume wht u say is right,
well, You don't realize ur mistakes either.
in jest; [10:31 PM]

in jest; [5:55 PM]
i just realised, after the previous post, how long it's been since i last blogged.
and i missed you so much, i friend.
haha... there's so much i wanna tell you. so much that has been going on in my life this year. i never even got to finish my OBS post, and just thinking about the 5 days there makes me all emotional again.
and.. 309`06... sigh. sigh. so bloody much has been happening.. stuff that creeps me out, or stuff that makes me laugh.. whatever.
anyway we're gonna plan sth for our beloved ms ang. haha she's damn cute.
i really missed like telling stuff to someone. it's always periods of time like this that i remember your importance in my life, blog. hahah.. speaking bout life, so many people are out of my life now.
i would say a lot more, but this IS a blog, and i do have work undone. =) and, it IS 3.45am. lol.
in jest; [3:51 AM]
so what if you let me go overseas the past times i wanted to? when i wanna play you let me play, and what if i wanna do something decent for now?
i just wanna go.. experience for myself what its like. i wanna be part of this. i can't believe im bloody crying la. but i am.
OSL.. i wanna go osl.
why can't you be bloody more openminded? when i first brought it up and you guys kept going on and on about e disadvantages, i kinda knew how it would turn out like already. i hate you. why must you be so bloody protective. do you think i'm some fragile baby plant that will shrivel up and die immediately after i am exposed to such stuff? so what if its not city area? WHY CANT YOU BE MORE BLOODY OPEN MINDED.
you are just like other parents who deprive their children of growth.
you know what? i dont care anymore. you just watch.
in jest; [3:46 AM]
ok omg omg guess wat.
.nandini too...
Leeqi too.
hahhhaha and joy is giggling like dunowhat beside me. ANYWAY, NOT THE POINT.
yea the poimt id. DRACO IS MINE.
nan: NOOOOOOO MINEEEEEE!!!! i claimed him first. BEFORE lena and anyome else in the world did.
nan: stare at ME is it???
[no reply]
=.= its ok. chill. he's mine. let's not dwell on it, it'll only make other girls sad. =))
its like so cool.. i mean, everything about it is cool la.. keypad, mouse, screen, BLAH. SCRN. NO CPU!!!!! O.O AAAAAHHH.. I MEAN, LIKE, (NANDINI IS DROOLING OVER IT, KEVY'S DROOLING OVER IT, EVERYONE GRAAAAHHHHHH) its hot and hot and hot to the heavens man.. SEXY IMAC. MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
ok im going crazy.. im so totally in lurrrrvve with this, man. wahlau im going to freak out. the moment i stepped in i was like omgomgomgomgomgomgugetthepoint..
heh. now, since im here after so long, let me just skim over these few days.
hmmm.. these few days have been FUNKAY. abit of going out (Kevy beside me sings "yeah baby!" cause she cut half her time in sudoku =.= go kevy) and quite abit of reading.. -KNOWING SMILE- haha, well it makes me happy. =)) =)) =))
currently the few of us in front of this comp are discussing fanfic.. "i mean like, nowadays who reads hetero man.." ITS SO OUT. EVERYBODY LETS HEAD FOR SLASH. ^^ quite a few of my classmates are infected la.. by the way, everywhere i go its Draco fandom. hahahha.. dominate the world man. even though he's mine, i shall let you guys worship him. =)))
[this is joy.]
ok anw im gonna go iMac crazy again. EVEN THE FONT HERE AND EVERYTHING I TYPE LOOKS BETTER. O.O and i just realised iTunes is synchroed to it.. and it has so many bloody other cool things... (beside, kevy screams for the duno-what-th time.. 3mins 10 secs. balloons and applause. kevy does twist.)
in jest; [9:04 AM]